A test is a special kind of accessment that allows the respondee's answers to be rated immediatly. Unless otherwise stated, all pages described are admin viewable only.
- Settings
- Assessment: a selectbox containing all the assessment in the same subnode as the test package, so the administrator knows for which survey he will create an test.
- Valid Results: select (first, last, highest, median). Describes which points to choose if a user has the option to take a test multiple times. Median is the median of all tries.
- Publication of Results: radio. Publicate results once test is submitted, once test has been evaluated by a TA, never. This is always with regards to the respondee. Admins can view the results all the time.
- What to show in publication: checkboxes.
- Question. The question that has been asked
- Answer. The answer the respondee has given
- Points. The number of Points the respondee has gotten for the answer
- Evaluation comment. The evaluation comment given by the evaluator
- Correct Answer. The correct answer of the question
- Feedback. The feedback that is stored with the given answer
- Feeback for question. The feedback that is stored with the question
- Total result. The total result of the test (at the buttoms)
- Submit each answer seperatly: boolean (yes/no). Does the user have to submit each answer seperatly.
- Answer changeable: boolean (yes/no). Can the user change a submitted answer.
- Finish button: boolean (yes/no). Allow the respondee to finish the test early, despite not having answered all the questions. The respondee will not have the option to go back and continue the test afterwards (like handing out your written test to the TA in an on site exam).
- Allow answers to be seen: boolean (yes/no). This will disallow the respondee to revisit his answers.
- Evaluation overview. This is a page with a table of all respondees with
- Smart display (to limit the number of respondees per page)
- Name. Name of the respondee, maybe with email address
- Test result (with max number of points in the header). Number of Points the respondee has achieved in this test
- All tries with
- Points. Number of Points for this try (out of the scoring system)
- Time. Time taken for a try (yes, we will have to store the time needed for a try)
- Status. Status of the try (not finished, finished, auto-graded, manually graded)
- Link to evaluate single response (human grading in test-processing.html)
- The try that is used for scoring the respondee is diplayed with a green background. If we take the median of all tries, mark all of them green.
- Furthermore links to details about the test, reports and summary are given.