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Creating a Dev Server

The dev server is rubick-dev, the server is rubick. I've put the CVSROOT at /var/cvs

4 cvs -d /var/cvs co rubick
5 ls
6 createdb rubick-dev
7 env |grep EDITOR
8 emacs .bashrc
9 exit
12 env |grep EDITOR
19 crontab -e
21 ls
22 mv rubick rubick-dev
23 ln -s rubick-dev/ website
28 emacs website/etc/config.tcl
29 emacs website/etc/config.tcl
30 emacs website/etc/daemontools/run
35 cd
36 cd website/database-backup/
37 cp ~rubick/website/database-backup/backup_2004-06-22.dmp .
42 cp backup_2004-06-22.dmp backup_2004-06-22.dmp.bkup
43 perl -pi -e "s/^\\connect rubick$/\\connect rubick-dev/" backup_2004-06-22.dmp
44 less backup_2004-06-22.dmp
(this is only necessary before postgres 7.4)
45 psql -f ~/website/packages/acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/postgresql.sql rubick-dev
48 psql -f backup_2004-06-22.dmp rubick-dev
52 cd
57 cd website/etc/daemontools/
59 ./run
60 less ../config.tcl
61 cd ..
62 ls
63 cd ..
64 ls
65 cd log
66 less error.log
67 emacs ../etc/config.tcl
68 cd
69 less website/log/error.log
70 cd
71 cd website/etc/daemontools/
72 ./run
73 less ../../log/error.log
74 fg
75 less ../../log/error.log
79 emacs ../config.tcl
80 ./run
81 exit
82 emacs website/etc/config.tcl
83 svc -t /service/rubick-dev