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Restoring from Backup
For Postgres, these are the steps to take to recover you database from backup.
- Stop Aolserver (svc -d /service/service0 usually does it)
- dropdb service0
- createdb -E UNICODE service0
- psql -f mydb.dmp service0
- Bring Aolserver back up (svc -u /service/service0)
If your service0 name is different than the dumped file, you can use Perl to update the service0 name
In crontab:
See a page which describes setting up password-less ssh authentication sftp-batchfile:35 12 * * * tar -cf /web/safe4all/safe4all-cr-files.tar /web/safe4all/content-repository-content-files/ ; gzip /web/safe4all/safe4all-cr-files.tar 0 5 * * * /usr/bin/sftp -b /web/safe4all/database-backup/sftp-batchfile backupuser@ipaddress
cd /home/backupuser put /web/safe4all/database-backup/safe4all_*.dmp put /web/safe4all/safe4all-cr-files.tar.gz
Getting weirdinvalid command \N
errors when you try to restore?