Defined in
Class Relations
- class: ::xotcl::THREAD
::throttle set community_id 2449
::throttle set context_initialized 1
::throttle set exithandler {ns_log notice "EXITHANDLER of slave thread SELF 1219363"}
::throttle set initcmd {
package req XOTcl
namespace import -force ::xotcl::*
ns_thread name ::throttle
::xotcl::Object setExitHandler {ns_log notice "EXITHANDLER of slave thread ::throttle 1219363"}
set ::xotcl::currentScript \
set ::xotcl::currentThread ::throttle
# Never block the following provided Sec-Fetch-Dest values.
# set ::never_blocked_fetchDest {image script}
set ::never_blocked_fetchDest {image iframe script}
set ::monitor_urls {/ /register/ /dotlrn/}
set ::verbose_blocking 0
# A simple helper class to provide a faster an easier-to-use
# interface to package parameters. Eventually, this will move in a
# more general way into xotcl-core.
Class create ::package_parameter -parameter {{default ""} value name} -instproc defaultmethod \
{} {return ${:value}} -instproc update {value} {set :value $value} -instproc init {} {
set :name [namespace tail [self]]
set :value [::parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "xotcl-request-monitor" \
-parameter ${:name} -default ${:default}]
::package_parameter log-dir -default [file dirname [file rootname [ns_config ns/parameters \
::package_parameter do_double_click_prevention -default on
::package_parameter do_slowdown_overactive -default off
::package_parameter do_throttle -default on
::package_parameter do_track_activity -default off
::package_parameter max-stats-elements -default 5
::package_parameter max-url-stats -default 500
::package_parameter monitor_urls -default "/ /register/ /dotlrn/"
::package_parameter time-window -default 10
::package_parameter trend-elements -default 48
::package_parameter map-slow-pool-duration -default [expr {[ns_baseunit -time 12h]*1000}]
# When updates happen on
# - max-stats-elements or
# - trend-elements
# Propagate changes of values to all instances of
# counters.
max-stats-elements proc update {value} {
Counter set_in_all_instances nr_stats_elements $value
trend-elements proc update {value} {
Counter set_in_all_instances nr_trend_elements $value
do_throttle proc update {value} {
throttler set do_throttle $value
do_double_click_prevention proc update {value} {
throttler set do_double_click_prevention $value
monitor_urls proc update {value} {
set ::monitor_urls $value
# get the value from the logdir parameter
set ::logdir [log-dir]
if {![ad_file isdirectory $logdir]} {file mkdir $logdir}
# Create AsyncLogFile class
Class create AsyncLogFile -parameter {filename {mode a}}
AsyncLogFile instproc init {} {
if {![info exists :filename]} {
set :filename $::logdir/[namespace tail [self]]
if {[acs::icanuse ns_asynclogfile]} {
# Use NaviServer builtin async disk writer.
ns_log notice "... AsyncLogFile uses NaviServer ns_asynclogfile"
AsyncLogFile instproc open {} {
# The open "append" mode is the default mode, we use nothing
# else here.
set :handle [ns_asynclogfile open ${:filename}]
AsyncLogFile instproc write {{-sanitize 0} msg} {
ns_asynclogfile write -sanitize $sanitize ${:handle} $msg\n
AsyncLogFile instproc destroy {} {
ns_asynclogfile close ${:handle}
} else {
# Make AsyncLogFile a client of the
# AsyncDiskWriter in bgdelivery.
ns_log notice "... AsyncLogFile uses bgdelivery"
AsyncLogFile instproc open {} {
set :handle [bgdelivery do AsyncDiskWriter new -autoflush true]
bgdelivery do ${:handle} open -filename ${:filename} -mode ${:mode}
AsyncLogFile instproc write {{-sanitize 0} msg} {
bgdelivery do ${:handle} async_write $msg\n
AsyncLogFile instproc destroy {} {
catch {bgdelivery do ${:handle} close}
# open the used log-files
AsyncLogFile create counter.log
AsyncLogFile create long-calls.log
AsyncLogFile create switches.log
# A class to keep simple statistics
Class create ThrottleStat -parameter { type requester timestamp ip_address url }
# class for throtteling eager requesters or to block duplicate requests
Class create Throttle -parameter {
{timeWindow 10}
{timeoutMs 2000}
{startThrottle 11}
{toMuch 10}
{alerts 0} {throttles 0} {rejects 0} {repeats 0}
Throttle instproc init {} {
set :do_throttle [do_throttle]
set :do_double_click_prevention [do_double_click_prevention]
Object create [self]::stats
Object create [self]::users
Throttle instproc add_statistics { type requester ip_address url query } {
#set furl [expr {$query ne "" ? "$url?$query" : $url}]
incr :${type}s
# :log "++++ add_statistics -type $type -user_id $requester "
set entry [ThrottleStat new -childof [self]::stats -type $type -requester $requester \
-timestamp [clock seconds] -ip_address $ip_address -url $url]
Throttle instproc url_statistics {{-flush 0}} {
set data [[self]::stats info children]
if { [llength $data] == 0} {
return $data
} elseif {$flush} {
foreach c $data {$c destroy}
return ""
} else {
foreach stat $data {
lappend output [list [$stat type] [$stat requester] [$stat timestamp] [$stat ip_address] \
[$stat url]]
return $output
Throttle instproc call_statistics {} {
set l [list]
foreach t {seconds minutes hours} {
lappend l [list $t [$t set last] [$t set trend] [$t set stats]]
return $l
Throttle instproc register_access {requestKey pa url community_id is_embedded_request} {
#ns_log notice "register_access $requestKey $pa $url "
set obj [Users current_object]
$obj addKey $requestKey $pa $url $community_id $is_embedded_request
Users expSmooth [$obj point_in_time] $requestKey
Throttle instproc running {} {
array get :running_url
# Global variables in the thread to calculate thread
# statistics of the server
set ::threads_busy 0
set ::threads_current 0
set ::threads_datapoints 0 ;# make sure, we never divide by 0
if {[ns_info name] eq "NaviServer"} {
Throttle instproc server_threads {} {ns_server threads}
} else {
Throttle instproc server_threads {} {
# flatten the list
return [concat {*}[ns_server threads]]
Throttle instproc update_threads_state {} {
array set threadInfo [:server_threads]
incr ::threads_busy [expr {$threadInfo(current) - $threadInfo(idle)}]
incr ::threads_current $threadInfo(current)
incr ::threads_datapoints
Throttle instproc thread_avgs {} {
return [list busy [format %.2f [expr \
{1.0 * $::threads_busy / $::threads_datapoints}]] current [format %.2f [expr \
{1.0 * $::threads_current / $::threads_datapoints}]]]
Throttle instproc throttle_check {requestKey pa url conn_time content_type community_id \
{context ""}} {
# Return: toMuch ms repeat
#set t0 [clock milliseconds]
#ns_log notice "throttle_check context <$context>"
seconds ++
set fetchDest [expr \
{[dict exists $context Sec-Fetch-Dest] ? [dict get $context Sec-Fetch-Dest] : "document"}]
set range [expr \
{[dict exists $context Range] ? [dict get $context Range] : ""}]
set ajax_p [expr {[dict get $context X-Requested-With] eq "XMLHttpRequest"}]
# Check whether all request monitor performance tracking is turned
# off. If so, it does not even track the number of active users.
if {!${:do_throttle}} {
return [list 0 0 0]
set var :running_url($requestKey,$url)
set overactive ov($requestKey,$url)
# Never block certain requests, such as embedded requests, range
# requests, system requests, requests from the fast pool, ...
if {
$fetchDest in $::never_blocked_fetchDest
|| $range ne ""
|| [dict get $context pool] eq "fast"
|| $ajax_p
|| [string match "image/*" $content_type]
|| [string match "video/*" $content_type]
|| $content_type in {
|| [string match "/SYSTEM/*" $url]
|| [string match "/shared/*" $url]
|| "/proctoring/upload" eq $url
} {
if {$::verbose_blocking && [info exists $var]} {
ns_log notice "request not blocked although apparently running: fetchDest $fetchDest \
$requestKey $url"
set $var $conn_time
return [list 0 0 0]
# Check whether the same user has already the same request issued;
# if yes, block this request. Caveat: some html-pages use the same
# image in many places, so we can't block it, but this is already
# covered above.
if {${:do_double_click_prevention} && [info exists $var]} {
# Request already running
# Keep value in per-minute counter
minutes incr $overactive
#ns_log notice "### block $var overactive [minutes set $overactive]"
return [list 0 0 1]
} elseif {$::verbose_blocking && [info exists $var]} {
ns_log notice "would block: fetchDest $fetchDest $requestKey $url"
# Check, if have blocked (429) this URL already 15 times for this
# user in this minute. If so, block this URL for this user, until
# the minute is over.
if {[minutes exists $overactive] && [minutes set $overactive] > 15} {
ns_log notice "### request $overactive blocked since user has issued in this minute too many \
repeated requests"
return [list 0 0 2]
set $var $conn_time
#ns_log notice "### new $var"
#set t1 [clock milliseconds]
:register_access $requestKey $pa $url $community_id 0 ;# $is_embedded_request
#set t2 [clock milliseconds]
if {[do_slowdown_overactive]} {
# Check, whether the last request from a user was within
# the minimum time interval. We are not keeping a full table
# of all request keys, but use a timeout triggered mechanism
# to keep only the active request keys in an associative array.
incr :alerts
if {[info exists :active($requestKey)]} {
# If more than one request for this key is already active,
# return blocking time.
lassign [set :active($requestKey)] to cnt
set retMs [expr {$cnt > ${:startThrottle} ? 500 : 0}]
# cancel the timeout
after cancel $to
} else {
set retMs 0
set cnt 0
incr cnt
# establish a new timeout
set to [after ${:timeoutMs} [list [self] cancel $requestKey]]
set :active($requestKey) [list $to $cnt]
if {$cnt <= ${:toMuch}} {
set cnt 0
return [list $cnt $retMs 0]
return [list 0 0 0]
Throttle instproc statistics {} {
return "<table>
<tr><td>Number of alerts:</td><td>[:alerts]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Number of throttles:</td><td>[:throttles]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Number of rejects:</td><td>[:rejects]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Number of repeats:</td><td>[:repeats]</td></tr>
Throttle instproc cancel {requestKey} {
# cancel a timeout and clean up active request table for this key
if {[info exists :active($requestKey)]} {
after cancel [lindex [set :active($requestKey)] 0]
unset :active($requestKey)
# :log "+++ Cancel $requestKey block"
} else {
:log "+++ Cancel for $requestKey failed !!!"
Throttle instproc active { } {
# return the currently active requests (for debugging and introspection)
return [array get :active]
Throttle instproc add_url_stat {method url partialtimes key pa content_type pool} {
#ns_log notice "Throttle.add_url_stat($method,$url,$partialtimes,$key,$pa,$content_type)"
unset -nocomplain :running_url($key,$url)
# :log "### unset running_url($key,$url) $errmsg"
if {[string match "text/html*" $content_type]} {
[Users current_object] add_view $key
response_time_minutes add_url_stat $url [dict get $partialtimes ms] $key
Throttle instforward report_url_stats response_time_minutes %proc
Throttle instforward flush_url_stats response_time_minutes %proc
Throttle instforward last100 response_time_minutes %proc
Throttle create throttler
Class create ThrottleTrace
ThrottleTrace instproc log {msg} {
if {![info exists :traceFile]} {
set file $::logdir/calls
set :traceFile [open $file a]
set :traceCounter 0
puts ${:traceFile} $msg
ThrottleTrace instproc throttle_check args {
incr :traceCounter
:log "CALL ${:traceCounter} [self args]"
ThrottleTrace instproc add_url_stat args {
catch {:log "END ${:traceCounter} [self args]"}
# throttle do throttler mixin ThrottleTrace
Class create TraceLongCalls
TraceLongCalls set count 0
TraceLongCalls instproc log {msg} {
set entry "[clock format [clock seconds]] -- $msg"
long-calls.log write $entry
[self class] append log "$entry\n"
[self class] incr count
TraceLongCalls instproc add_url_stat {method url partialtimes key pa content_type pool} {
regexp {^([^?]+)[?]?(.*)$} $url . url query
# conntime: time spent in connection thread in ms, not including queuing times
# totaltime: time since start of the request
set conntime [expr \
{int(([dict get $partialtimes runtime] + [dict get $partialtimes filtertime]) * 1000)}]
set totaltime [dict get $partialtimes ms]
#ns_log notice "conntime $conntime totaltime $totaltime url=<$url>"
if { $url in $::monitor_urls } {
# Calculate for certain URLs separate statistics. These can be
# used via munin with the responsetime plugin, configured e.g. as
# [naviserver_production_responsetime]
# env.urls / /register/ /dotlrn/
incr ::agg_time($url) $totaltime
incr ::count(calls:$url)
::xo::remap_pool -runtime [dict get $partialtimes runtime] $method $url
# Handling of longcalls counter
if {$conntime > 3000
|| [dict get $partialtimes filtertime] > 1.0
|| [dict get $partialtimes queuetime] > 0.5
} {
if {$url eq "/register/"} {
set color unexpected
} elseif {$conntime > 7000} {
set color red
} elseif {$conntime > 5000} {
set color orange
} else {
set color yellow
incr ::count(longcalls:$color)
# Add query to URL, truncate in case it is not too long.
set ql [string length $query]
if {$ql > 0} {
if {$ql < 80} {
set loggedUrl $url?$query
} else {
set loggedUrl $url?[string range $query 0 77]...
} else {
set loggedUrl $url
# Finally, log the entry with to log/long-calls.log
if {[catch {:log [list $loggedUrl $partialtimes $key $pa $content_type $pool]} errorMsg]} {
ns_log error "long-call error: $errorMsg"
# Simple means for banning users, e.g. performing too eager
# requests. Requests from banned users receive a "duplicate
# request" reply.
Class create BanUser
# BanUser instproc throttle_check {requestKey pa url conn_time content_type community_id \
{context ""}} {
# #if {$requestKey eq 37958315} {return [list 0 0 1]}
# #if {[string match "155.69.25.*" $pa]} {return [list 0 0 1]}
# next
# }
throttle do throttler mixin {BanUser TraceLongCalls}
# A simple counter class, which is able to aggregate values in some
# higher level counters (report_to) and to keep statistics in form
# of a trend and max values)
Class create Counter -parameter {
{stats ""}
{last ""}
{trend ""}
{c 0}
{logging 0}
{nr_trend_elements [trend-elements]}
{nr_stats_elements [max-stats-elements]}
} -ad_doc {
This class holds the counted statistics so they do not have to be computed
all the time from the list of requests.
The statistics holding objects are instances of this class and initialized and called after
the timeoutMS
@param report Report type of the instance. This could e.g. be hours and minutes
@param timeoutMS How often are the statistics for this report computed
@param stats stats keeps nr_stats_elements highest values with timestamp.
These hold a list of lists of the actual stats in the form {time value}.
Time is given like "Thu Sep 13 09:17:30 CEST 2007".
This is used for displaying the maximum values
@param trend trend keeps nr_trend_elements most recent values. This is used for displaying the \
@param c counter
@param logging If set to 1 the instance current value is logged to the counter.log file
@param nr_trend_elements Number of data points that are used for the trend calculation. The \
default of 48 translates into "48 minutes" for the Views per minute or 48 hours for the views \
per hour.
@param nr_stats_elements Number of data points for the stats values. The default of 5 will give \
you the highest datapoints over the whole period.
Counter ad_proc set_in_all_instances {var value} {
A helper function to set in all (direct or indirect) instances
an instance variable to the same value. This is used here
in combination with changing parameters
} {
foreach object [:allinstances] {
$object set $var $value
Counter instproc ++ {} {
incr :c
Counter instproc end {} {
if {[info exists :report]} {
[:report] incr c ${:c}
:finalize ${:c}
set :c 0
Counter instproc log_to_file {timestamp label value} {
set server [ns_info server]
counter.log write "$timestamp -- $server $label $value"
Counter instproc add_value {timestamp n} {
# trend keeps nr_trend_elements most recent values
lappend :trend $n
set lt [llength ${:trend}]
if {$lt > ${:nr_trend_elements}} {
set :trend [lrange ${:trend} $lt-${:nr_trend_elements} end]
# stats keeps nr_stats_elements highest values with timestamp
lappend :stats [list $timestamp $n]
set :stats [lrange [lsort -real -decreasing -index 1 ${:stats}] 0 ${:nr_stats_elements}-1]
Counter instproc finalize {n} {
if {[info exists :to]} {
after cancel ${:to}
# update statistics
set now [clock format [clock seconds]]
:add_value $now $n
# log if necessary
catch {if {${:logging}} {:log_to_file $now [self] $n}}
} else {
ns_log notice "request-monitor: [self] has no timeout defined"
set :to [after ${:timeoutMs} [list [self] end]]
Counter instproc init {} {
set :to [after ${:timeoutMs} [list [self] end]]
Counter instproc destroy {} {
after cancel ${:to}
Counter create hours -timeoutMs [expr {60000*60}] -logging 1
Counter create minutes -timeoutMs 60000 -report hours -logging 1
Counter create seconds -timeoutMs 1000 -report minutes
minutes proc end {} {
# Delete overactive counters.
unset -nocomplain :ov
# The counter user_count_day just records the number of active user
# per day. It differs from other counters by keeping track of a pair
# of values (authenticated and non-authenticated).
Counter user_count_day -timeoutMs [expr {71000*60}] -logging 1
user_count_day proc end {} {
lassign [throttle users nr_users_per_day] auth ip
set now [clock format [clock seconds]]
# The counter logs its intrinsic value (:c) anyhow, which are the
# authenticated users. We also want to record the number of
# unauthenticated users, and do this here manually.
:log_to_file $now [self]-non-auth $ip
set :c $auth
# Perform as well bookkeeping (per default once per hour)
Users perDayCleanup
Class create MaxCounter -superclass Counter -parameter {{metric nr_active}} -instproc end {} {
set :c [Users ${:metric}]
if {[info exists :report]} {
if {[${:report} set c] < ${:c}} {
${:report} set c ${:c}
:finalize ${:c}
set :c 0
MaxCounter create user_count_hours -timeoutMs [expr {60000*60}] -logging 1
MaxCounter create user_count_minutes -timeoutMs 60000 -report user_count_hours -logging 1
MaxCounter create authenticated_count_hours -metric nr_authenticated -timeoutMs [expr \
{60000*60}] -logging 1
MaxCounter create authenticated_count_minutes -metric nr_authenticated -timeoutMs 60000 -report \
authenticated_count_hours -logging 1
Class create AvgCounter -superclass Counter -parameter {{t 0} {atleast 1}} -instproc end {} {
if {${:c} > 0} {
set avg [expr {int(${:t} * 1.0 / ${:c})}]
} else {
set avg 0
if {[info exists :report]} {
${:report} incr c ${:c}
${:report} incr t ${:t}
:finalize $avg
set :c 0
set :t 0
Class create UrlCounter -superclass AvgCounter -parameter {
{truncate_check 10}
{max_urls 0}
} -set seconds [clock seconds]
UrlCounter instproc add_url_stat {url ms requester} {
#ns_log notice "UrlCounter.add_url_stat($url,$ms,$requester)"
my ++
# :log "[self proc] $url /$ms/ $requester (${:c})"
incr :t $ms
# Set up a value for the right ordering in last 100. We take the
# difference in seconds since start, multiply by 10000 (there
# should be no overflow); there should be less than this number
# requests per minute.
set now [clock seconds]
set order [expr {($now - [[self class] set seconds]) * 10000 + ${:c}}]
set :last100([expr {$order%99}]) [list $now $order $url $ms $requester]
set has_param [regexp {^(.*)[?]} $url _ url]
if {$has_param} {set url $url?...}
### Add statistics
incr :stat($url) $ms
incr :cnt($url)
UrlCounter instproc last100 {} {
array get :last100
UrlCounter instproc flush_url_stats {} {
:log "flush_url_stats"
unset -nocomplain :stat
unset -nocomplain :cnt
UrlCounter instproc url_stats {} {
set result [list]
foreach url [array names :stat] {
lappend result [list $url [set :stat($url)] [set :cnt($url)]]
set result [lsort -real -decreasing -index 1 $result]
return $result
UrlCounter instproc check_truncate_stats {} {
# Truncate statistics if necessary.
set max [max-url-stats]
if {$max>1} {
set result [:url_stats]
set l [llength $result]
for {set i $max} {$i < $l} {incr i} {
set url [lindex $result $i 0]
unset :stat($url) :cnt($url)
set result [lrange $result 0 $max-1]
return $result
return ""
UrlCounter instproc cleanup_stats {} {
# We use the timer to check other parameters as well here.
set time_window [time-window]
if {$time_window != [throttler timeWindow]} {
throttler timeWindow $time_window
after 0 [list Users purge_access_stats]
return ""
UrlCounter instproc report_url_stats {} {
set stats [:check_truncate_stats]
if {$stats eq ""} {
set stats [:url_stats]
return $stats
UrlCounter instproc finalize args {
# Each time the timer runs out, perform the cleanup.
after 0 [list [self] cleanup_stats]
# Create UrlCounter instances
UrlCounter create response_time_hours -timeoutMs [expr {60000*60}] -atleast 500 -logging 1
UrlCounter create response_time_minutes -timeoutMs 60000 -report response_time_hours -atleast \
100 -logging 1
# Class for the user tracking
Class create Users -parameter {
{ip24 0}
{auth24 0}
} -ad_doc {
This class is responsible for the user tracking and is defined only
in a separate Tcl thread named <code>throttle</code>.
For each minute within the specified <code>time-window</code> an instance
of this class exists keeping various statistics.
When a minute ends the instance dropping out of the
time window is destroyed. The procs of this class can be
used to obtain various kinds of information.
@author Gustaf Neumann
@cvs-id $Id: throttle_mod-procs.tcl,v 1.72 2024/10/28 14:58:41 antoniop Exp $
# Make sure to always provide initialized aggregated values in case
# that "dump read" fails to initialized these.
Users set ip24 0
Users set auth24 0
Users ad_proc active {-full:switch} {
Return a list of lists containing information about current
users. If the switch 'full' is used this list contains these users
who have used the server within the monitoring time window (per
default: 10 minutes). Otherwise, just a list of requesters
(user_ids or peer addresses for unauthenticated requests) is
If "-full" is used for each requester the last peer address, the
last timestamp, the number of hits, a list of values for the
activity calculations and the number of ip-switches the user is
The activity calculations are performed on base of an exponential
smoothing algorithm which is calculated through an aggregated
value, a timestamp (in minutes) and the number of hits in the
monitored time window.
@return list with detailed user info
} {
if {$full} {
set info [list]
foreach key [array names :pa] {
set entry [list $key [set :pa($key)]]
foreach var [list timestamp hits expSmooth switches] {
set k ${var}($key)
lappend entry [expr {[info exists :$k] ? [set :$k] : 0}]
lappend info $entry
return $info
} else {
return [array names :pa]
Users proc unknown { obj args } {
:log "unknown called with $obj $args"
Users ad_proc nr_active {} {
@return number of active users (in time window)
} {
return [array size :pa]
Users ad_proc nr_authenticated {} {
@return number of authenticated users (in time window)
} {
return [lindex [:nr_users_time_window] 1]
# Users ad_proc nr_users_time_window {} {
# @return number of different IP addresses and authenticated users (in time window)
# } {
# set ip 0; set auth 0
# foreach i [array names :pa] {
# if {[::xo::is_ip $i]} {incr ip} {incr auth}
# }
# return [list $ip $auth]
# }
Users ad_proc nr_users_time_window {} {
@return number of different IP addresses and authenticated users (in time window)
} {
set ip 0; set auth 0; set reverseAuthDict {}; set ipDict {}
# Separate "pa" data into authenticated and not-authenticated, where
# we use the authenticated data as a reverse lookup dict later.
foreach {k v} [array get :pa] {
if {[::xo::is_ip $k]} {
lappend ipDict $k $v
} else {
lappend reverseAuthDict $v $k
incr auth
# Don't count cases from the ipDict which are already counted in
# for the auth cases. This assumes that from one IP address, there
# is never a person connected authenticated and not authenticated
# at the same time in the give time window. If it is, it is
# ignored in the statistics.
foreach {k v} $ipDict {
if {![dict exists $reverseAuthDict $v]} {
incr ip
return [list $ip $auth]
Users ad_proc user_is_active {uid} {
@return boolean value whether user is active
} {
info exists :pa($uid)
Users ad_proc hits {uid} {
@param uid request key
@return Number of hits by this user (in time window)
} {
if {[info exists :hits($uid)]} {
return [set :hits($uid)]
} else {
return 0
Users ad_proc last_pa {uid} {
@param uid request key
@return last peer address of the specified users
} {
if {[info exists :pa($uid)]} {
return [set :pa($uid)]
} else {
return ""
Users proc last_click {uid} {
if {[info exists :timestamp($uid)]} {
return [set :timestamp($uid)]
} else {
return 0
Users proc last_requests {uid} {
set urls {}
if {[info exists :pa($uid)]} {
foreach i [Users info instances] {
if {[$i exists urls($uid)]} {
foreach u [$i set urls($uid)] { lappend urls $u }
set urls [lsort -index 0 $urls]
return $urls
Users proc active_communities {} {
foreach i [Users info instances] {
lappend communities [list [$i point_in_time] [$i array names in_community]]
foreach {c names} [$i array get in_community] {
lappend community($c) $names
return [array get community]
Users proc nr_active_communities {} {
foreach i [Users info instances] {
foreach c [$i array names in_community] {
set community($c) 1
set n [array size community]
return [incr n -1]; # subtract "non-community" with empty string id
Users proc in_community {community_id} {
set users [list]
foreach i [Users info instances] {
if {[$i exists in_community($community_id)]} {
set time [$i point_in_time]
foreach u [$i set in_community($community_id)] {
lappend users [list $time $u]
return $users
Users proc current_object {} {
set now [clock seconds]
set mkey [expr { ($now / 60) % [throttler timeWindow]}]
set obj [self]::users::$mkey
if {$mkey ne ${:last_mkey}} {
if {${:last_mkey} ne ""} {:purge_access_stats}
# create or recreate the container object for that minute
if {[nsf::is object $obj]} {
$obj destroy
Users create $obj -point_in_time $now
set :last_mkey $mkey
return $obj
Users proc purge_access_stats {} {
set time [clock seconds]
# purge stale entries (for low traffic)
set secs [expr {[throttler timeWindow] * 60}]
if { [info commands [self]::users::${:last_mkey}] ne ""
&& $time - [[self]::users::${:last_mkey} point_in_time] > $secs
} {
# no requests for a while; delete all objects under [self]::users::
Object create [self]::users
} else {
# delete selectively
foreach element [[self]::users info children] {
if { [$element point_in_time] < $time - $secs } {$element destroy}
Users proc community_access {requester pa community_id} {
[:current_object] community_access $requester $pa $community_id
Users proc entered_community {key now community_id data reason} {
#ns_log notice "=== user $key entered community $community_id at $now reason $reason"
set :user_in_community($key) [dict replace $data community_id $community_id community_clicks 1 \
community_start $now]
Users proc left_community {key pa now community_id data reason} {
set seconds [expr {$now - [dict get $data community_start]}]
set clicks [dict get $data community_clicks]
dict unset data community_start
dict unset data community_clicks
dict unset data community_id
set :user_in_community($key) $data
#ns_log notice "=== user $key left community $community_id at $now reason $reason after $seconds \
seconds clicks $clicks"
if {[do_track_activity] && $seconds > 0} {
xo::job_enqueue [list ::xo::request_monitor_record_community_activity $key $pa $community_id \
$seconds $clicks $reason]
Users proc left_system {key pa now data reason} {
if {[dict exists $data start]} {
set seconds [expr {$now - [dict get $data start]}]
set clicks [dict get $data clicks]
} else {
if {[info exists :timestamp($key)]} {
set seconds [expr {$now - [set :timestamp($key)]}]
set clicks 0
} else {
ns_log warning "could not determine online duration <$key> <$pa> data <$data>"
set seconds -1
set clicks -1
#ns_log notice "=== user $key left system at $now reason $reason after $seconds seconds clicks \
if {[do_track_activity] && $seconds > 0} {
xo::job_enqueue [list ::xo::request_monitor_record_activity $key $pa $seconds $clicks $reason]
unset -nocomplain :user_in_community($key) :refcount($key) :pa($key) :expSmooth($key) \
Users instproc init {} {
# The following event is a heart-beat just necessary for idle
# systems. It makes sure that per-minute objects don't hang
# around much longer than required (maximum 1 second), but that at
# the same time that last_mkey never points to an invalid object.
set ms [expr {([time-window] * 60000) + 1000}]
after $ms [list [self class] current_object]
Users instproc community_access {key pa community_id} {
set class [self class]
set now [clock seconds]
set var user_in_community($key)
#ns_log notice "=== [self] community_access $key $community_id have timestamp [$class exists \
timestamp($key)] in community [$class exists $var]"
if {[$class exists $var]} {
# The user was already in a community.
if {[$class exists timestamp($key)] && [$class set timestamp($key)] == $now } {
# ignore clicks less than one-second interval (probably embedded content)
set data [$class set $var]
set old_community_id [dict get $data community_id]
if {$old_community_id != $community_id} {
# The user was in a different community.
Users left_community $key $pa $now $old_community_id $data switch
dict incr data clicks
Users entered_community $key $now $community_id $data switch
} else {
dict incr data clicks
dict incr data community_clicks
$class set $var $data
} else {
# The user was in no community before.
set data [list start $now clicks 1]
Users entered_community $key $now $community_id $data new
set $var 1
# Keep the currently active users in the per-minute objects.
set var :user_in_community($key,$community_id)
if {![info exists $var]} {
set $var 1
lappend :in_community($community_id) $key
Users instproc check_pa_change {key pa url} {
set class [self class]
# Check, if we have already a peer address for the given user.
if {[$class exists pa($key)]} {
# Check, if the peer address changed. This might be some
# indication, that multiple users are working under the same
# user_id, or that the identity was hijacked. Therefore, we
# note such occurrences.
if {[$class set pa($key)] ne $pa} {
$class incr switches($key)
# log the change
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
switches.log write "$timestamp -- switch -- $key from [$class set pa($key)] to $pa $url"
} elseif {[$class exists pa($pa)]} {
# We have for this peer address already an entry. Since we do
# not want to count this user twice, we assume, that this is the
# same user, when the requests were within a short time period.
if {[$class exists timestamp($pa)] && [clock seconds] - [$class set timestamp($pa)] < 60} {
#ns_log notice "=== turn anonymous user from $pa into authenticated user $key"
if {[$class exists user_in_community($pa)]} {
$class set user_in_community($key) [$class set user_in_community($pa)]
$class incr ip24 -1
$class set pa($key) [$class set pa($pa)]
$class set timestamp($key) [$class set timestamp($pa)]
$class unset pa($pa)
$class unset timestamp($pa)
ns_log notice "UNSET timestamp($pa) turned into timestamp($key)"
Users instproc addKey {key pa url community_id is_embedded_request} {
#ns_log notice "=== [self] addKey $key $pa $url '$community_id' $is_embedded_request"
# This method stores information about the current request partly
# in the round-robin objects of the specified time windows, and
# keeps global information in the class objects.
# key: either user_id or peer address
# pa: peer address
set class [self class]
if {$key ne $pa} {
:check_pa_change $key $pa $url
# Increase the number of requests that were issued from the user
# in the current minute.
set counter :active($key)
if {[incr $counter] == 1} {
# On the first occurrence in the current minute, increment the
# global reference count
$class incrRefCount $key $pa
if {!$is_embedded_request} {
set blacklisted_url [expr {[string match "/RrdGraphJS/public/*" $url]
|| [string match "/munin/*" $url]
#ns_log notice "=== $url black $blacklisted_url, community_access $key $pa $community_id"
if {!$blacklisted_url} {
# Register the fact that the user is doing something in the community
:community_access $key $pa $community_id
# Handle logout
if {[string match "*/logout" $url]} {
set now [clock seconds]
set var user_in_community($key)
if {[$class exists $var]} {
set data [$class set $var]
if {[dict exists $data community_id]} {
# Logout from "community"
Users left_community $key $pa $now [dict get $data community_id] $data logout
} else {
set data ""
# Logout from the system
Users left_system $key $pa $now $data logout
# The array "urls" keeps triples of timestamps, URLs and peer
# addresses per user.
lappend :urls($key) [list ${:point_in_time} $url $pa]
# The global array "hits" keeps overall activity of the user.
$class incr hits($key)
$class set timestamp($key) [clock seconds]
#ns_log notice "[self] addKey ENDS $class timestamp($key) [$class set timestamp($key)] counter \
$counter value [set $counter]"
Users instproc add_view {uid} {
# :log "#### add_view $uid"
incr :views($uid)
Users proc views_per_minute {uid} {
set mins 0
set views 0
set key views($uid)
foreach i [Users info instances] {
if {[$i exists $key]} {
incr mins
incr views [$i set $key]
if {$mins > 0} {
return [expr {$views*1.0/$mins}]
return 0
Users instproc destroy {} {
set class [self class]
#ns_log notice "=== [self] destroy [array names :active]"
if {[Users exists last_mkey] && [Users set last_mkey] eq [self]} {
Users set last_mkey ""
foreach key [array names :active] {
if {[::xo::is_ip $key]} {
set pa $key
} else {
set pa [expr {[$class exists pa($key)] ? [$class set pa($key)] : "unknown"}]
#ns_log notice "=== [self] destroy: $class exists pa($key) ?[$class exists pa($key)] => '$pa'"
$class decrRefCount $key $pa [set :active($key)]
Users proc expSmooth {ts key} {
set mins [expr {$ts/60}]
if {[info exists :expSmooth($key)]} {
lassign [set :expSmooth($key)] _ aggval lastmins hits
set mindiff [expr {$mins-$lastmins}]
if {$mindiff == 0} {
incr hits
set retval [expr {$aggval*0.3 + $hits*0.7}]
} else {
set aggval [expr {$aggval*pow(0.3,$mindiff) + $hits*0.7}]
set hits 1
} else {
set hits 1
set aggval 1.0
if {![info exists retval]} {set retval $aggval}
set :expSmooth($key) [list $retval $aggval $mins $hits]
return $retval
Users proc incrRefCount {key pa} {
# This method is called whenever the user (key) was seen the first
# time in the current minute.
if {[incr :refcount($key)] == 1} {
# We saw the user for the first time ever, so increment as well
# the counters of logged-in and not logged-in users.... but not
# in cases, where the timestamp data was restored.
if {![info exists :timestamp($key)]} {
if {[::xo::is_ip $key]} {incr :ip24} {incr :auth24}
set :pa($key) $pa
Users proc decrRefCount {key pa hitcount} {
#ns_log notice "=== decrRefCount $key $hitcount"
if {[info exists :refcount($key)]} {
set x [incr :refcount($key) -1]
incr :hits($key) -$hitcount
if {$x < 1} {
# The user fell out of the per-minute objects due to
# inactivity.
set var :user_in_community($key)
if {[info exists $var]} {
set data [set $var]
Users left_community $key $pa [clock seconds] [dict get $data community_id] $data inactive
Users left_system $key $pa [clock seconds] $data inactive
} else {
Users left_system $key $pa [clock seconds] {} inactive
if {![::xo::is_ip $key]} {
# It is ok, when the user has only accessed blackisted
# content, but when the user was logged in, this should
# not happen - it is at least unusual
set address [expr {[info exists :pa($pa)] ? "peer address [set :pa($pa)]" : ""}]
ns_log warning "no community info for $key available $address"
} else {
#Users left_system $key $pa [clock seconds] {} inactive-error
ns_log notice "no refcount for $key available, probably explicit logout"
Users proc forget_community {community_id} {
# Forget all the data about users in a community, meant to be
# called when a community is being deleted, so that we stop its
# tracking.
foreach {key data} [array get :user_in_community] {
if {[dict get $data community_id] == $community_id} {
unset -nocomplain :user_in_community($key)
foreach i [Users info instances] {
$i unset -nocomplain in_community($community_id)
Users proc compute_nr_users_per_day {} {
# this method is just for maintenance issues and updates the
# aggregated values of the visitors
set :ip24 0
set :auth24 0
foreach i [array names :timestamp] {
if {[::xo::is_ip $i]} {incr :ip24} {incr :auth24}
Users proc nr_users_per_day {} {
return [list ${:ip24} ${:auth24}]
Users proc users_per_day {} {
set ip [list]; set auth [list]
foreach i [array names :timestamp] {
if {[::xo::is_ip $i]} {
set var ip
} else {
set var auth
lappend $var [list $i [set :timestamp($i)]]
return [list $ip $auth]
Users proc time_window_cleanup {} {
# Purge stale entries (maintenance only)
#ns_log notice "=== time_window_cleanup"
set now [clock seconds]
set maxdiff [expr {[throttler timeWindow] * 60}]
foreach i [array names :pa] {
if {![info exists :timestamp($i)]
|| ($now - [set :timestamp($i)] > $maxdiff)
} {
#ns_log notice "=== time_window_cleanup unsets pa($i)"
unset -nocomplain :pa($i) :refcount($i) :expSmooth($i) :switches($i)
foreach i [array names :refcount] {
if {![info exists :pa($i)]} {
#ns_log notice "throttle: void refcount for $i"
unset :refcount($i)
Users proc perDayCleanup {} {
# Get rid of overdue elements.
# Refresh per day counter.
set :ip24 0
set :auth24 0
set secsPerDay [expr {3600*24}]
set now [clock seconds]
foreach i [array names :timestamp] {
if {$now - [set :timestamp($i)] > $secsPerDay} {
unset :timestamp($i)
} else {
if {[::xo::is_ip $i]} {incr :ip24} {incr :auth24}
# Save a dump, in case we have an unexpected restart.
#ns_log notice "=== auth24 perDayCleanup -> ${:ip24} ${:auth24}"
dump write
namespace eval throttle_mod {}
ad_proc -private ::throttle_mod::unmap_pool {
{-pool slow}
} {
Function within throttle monitor thread for registering pool
unmapping requests after a specified time. This function has to run
in this thread to be able to use "::after".
} {
if {![info exists ms]} {
set ms [::map-slow-pool-duration]
after $ms [list ::xo::unmap_pool -pool $pool $method $url]
ns_log notice "slow request: mapping of '$url' moved to '$pool' connection pool will be canceled \
in $ms ms"
Object create dump
dump set file ${logdir}/throttle-data.dump
dump proc read {} {
# make sure, timestamp exists as an array
array set Users::timestamp [list]
if {[ad_file readable ${:file}]} {
# in case of disk-full, the file might be damaged, so make sure,
# we can continue
if {[catch {source ${:file}} errorMsg]} {
ns_log error "during source of ${:file}:\n$errorMsg"
# The dump file data is merged with maybe preexisting data
# make sure to adjust the counters and timings.
Users time_window_cleanup
Users compute_nr_users_per_day
# When old data is restored, don't trust user-info unless it is
# very recent (e.g. younger than 3 munutes)
if {[ad_file readable ${:file}] && ([clock seconds] - [ad_file mtime ${:file}] > 180)} {
Users unset -nocomplain user_in_community
dump proc collect {} {
set cmds {}
# Dump most variables of the object ::Users
set o ::Users
foreach var [$o info vars] {
# No need to preserve "last_mkey" (just for internal purposes)
# and "hits" (might be large).
if {$var in {last_mkey hits}} {
# The remainder are primarily run time statistics
if {[$o array exists $var]} {
lappend cmds [list $o array set $var [$o array get $var]]
} else {
lappend cmds [list $o set $var [$o set $var]]
return $cmds
dump proc write {{-sync false}} {
set cmds [:collect]
if {$sync} {
set dumpFile [open ${:file} w]
puts -nonewline $dumpFile [join $cmds \n]\n
close $dumpFile
} else {
file delete -force -- ${:file}
set dumpFile [AsyncLogFile new -filename ${:file}]
# Write the content in smaller chunks.
foreach cmd $cmds {
$dumpFile write $cmd
$dumpFile destroy
# dump proc write {{-sync false}} {
# # -sync is currently ignored
# ns_job queue -detached async-cmd [subst {
# set dumpFile \[open ${:file} w\]
# puts \$dumpFile [list [join [:collect] \n]]
# close \$dumpFile
# }]
# }
# initialization of Users class object
#Users perDayCleanup
Object create Users::users
Users set last_mkey ""
# for debugging purposes: return all running timers
proc showTimers {} {
set _ ""
foreach t [after info] { append _ "$t [after info $t]\n" }
return $_
# define a class value, which refreshes itself all "refresh" ms.
Class create Value -parameter {{value ""} {refresh 10000}}
Value instproc updateValue {} {set :handle [after ${:refresh} [list [self] updateValue]]}
# Define an object loadAvg.
# query with: "throttle do loadAvg value"
Value create loadAvg
loadAvg proc updateValue {} {
set procloadavg /proc/loadavg
if {[ad_file readable $procloadavg]} {
set f [open $procloadavg];
set :value [lrange [read $f] 0 2]
close $f
loadAvg updateValue
set tail [::util::which tail]
if {[ad_file readable ${logdir}/counter.log] && $tail ne ""} {
# Populate the counters from log file
ns_log notice "+++ request-monitor: initialize counters"
# Create the file to load. This is per hour = 60*3 + 2 lines
set number_of_lines [expr {182 * [trend-elements]}]
try {
exec $tail -n $number_of_lines ${logdir}/counter.log >${logdir}/counter-new.log
set f [open $logdir/counter-new.log]
while {-1 != [gets $f line]} {
regexp {(.*) -- (.*) ::(.*) (.*)} $line match timestamp server counter value
#ns_log notice "$counter add_value $timestamp $value"
if {[nsf::is object $counter]} {
$counter add_value $timestamp $value
} elseif {![info exists complain($counter)]} {
ns_log notice "request-monitor: ignore reload of value $value for counter $counter"
set complain($counter) 1
} on error {errorMsg} {
ns_log Warning "+++ request-monitor: error initializing counters: $errorMsg"
} finally {
if {[info exists f]} {
close $f
unset f
# Read in the last dump data
dump read
# Add an exit handler to write out the dump, when this thread goes
# down.
::xotcl::Object setExitHandler {
ns_log notice "::throttle: exiting"
dump write -sync true
# Delete all users objects, that will flush all activity data to
# the tables if configured
foreach obj [Users info instances] {$obj destroy}
ns_log notice "::throttle specific exist handler finished"
#ns_log notice "============== Thread initialized ===================="
::throttle set lightweight 0
::throttle set method GET
::throttle set mutex ns:mutex:tcl:7
::throttle set pa
::throttle set persistent 1
::throttle set query object=%3A%3Athrottle&show_methods=0&show_variables=1
::throttle set requester
::throttle set tid tid0x7fb43a3b4700
::throttle set url /xotcl/show-object?object=%3A%3Athrottle&show_methods=0&show_variables=1
::throttle set user {client from}