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Class ::xo::db::CrFolder
::xo::db::CrFolder create ...
Defined in
Class Relations
::xo::db::CrClass create ::xo::db::CrFolder \ -superclass ::xo::db::CrItemMethods (to be applied on the object)
delete (scripted)
::acs::dc call content_folder del -folder_id $item_id -cascade_p tfetch_object (scripted, public)
xo::db::CrFolder fetch_object -item_id item_id \ [ -revision_id revision_id ] -object object \ [ -initialize on|off ]We overwrite the default fetch_object method here. We join acs_objects, cr_items and cr_folders and fetch all attributes. The revision_id is completely ignored.
- Switches:
- -item_id (required)
- -revision_id (optional, defaults to
)- -object (required)
- -initialize (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- See Also:
- CrClass fetch_object
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
if {![nsf::is object $object]} { :create $object } $object set item_id $item_id $object db_1row [:qn fetch_folder] { SELECT * FROM cr_folders JOIN cr_items on cr_folders.folder_id = cr_items.item_id JOIN acs_objects on cr_folders.folder_id = acs_objects.object_id WHERE folder_id = :item_id } if {$initialize} { $object initialize_loaded_object } return $objectget_instance_from_db (scripted, public)
xo::db::CrFolder get_instance_from_db [ -item_id item_id ] \ [ -revision_id revision_id ] [ -initialize on|off ]The "standard" get_instance_from_db methods return objects following the naming convention "::<acs_object_id>", e.g. ::1234
Usually, the id of the item that is fetched from the database is used. However, XoWiki's "folder objects" (i.e. an ::xowiki::Object instance that can be used to configure the respective instance) are created using the acs_object_id of the root folder of the xowiki instance, which is actually the id of another acs_object.
Because of this, we cannot simply create the instances of CrFolder using the "standard naming convention". Instead we create them as ::cr_folder<acs_object_id>.
- Switches:
- -item_id (optional, defaults to
)- -revision_id (optional, defaults to
)- -initialize (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
set object ::$item_id if {![nsf::is object $object]} { :fetch_object -object $object -item_id $item_id -initialize $initialize $object destroy_on_cleanup } return $objectinstance_select_query (scripted, public)
xo::db::CrFolder instance_select_query \ [ -select_attributes select_attributes ] [ -orderby orderby ] \ [ -where_clause where_clause ] [ -from_clause from_clause ] \ [ -with_subtypes on|off ] [ -with_children on|off ] \ [ -publish_status publish_status ] [ -count on|off ] \ [ -folder_id folder_id ] [ -parent_id parent_id ] \ [ -page_size page_size ] [ -page_number page_number ] \ [ -base_table base_table ]returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type
- Switches:
- -select_attributes (optional)
- attributes for the SQL query to be retrieved, in addition to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type which are always returned
- -orderby (optional)
- for ordering the solution set
- -where_clause (optional)
- clause for restricting the answer set
- -from_clause (optional)
- -with_subtypes (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- return subtypes as well
- -with_children (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- return immediate child objects of all objects as well
- -publish_status (optional)
- one of 'live', 'ready', or 'production'
- -count (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- return the query for counting the solutions
- -folder_id (optional)
- parent_id
- -parent_id (optional)
- -page_size (optional, defaults to
)- -page_number (optional)
- -base_table (optional, defaults to
)- typically automatic view, must contain title and revision_id
- Returns:
- SQL query
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
if {![info exists folder_id]} {set folder_id ${:folder_id}} if {![info exists parent_id]} {set parent_id $folder_id} if {$base_table eq "cr_folders"} { set attributes [list ci.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status acs_objects.object_type] } else { set attributes [list bt.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status bt.object_type] } foreach a $select_attributes { # if {$a eq "title"} {set a bt.title} lappend attributes $a } # FIXME: This is dirty: We "fake" the base table for this function, so we can reuse the code set type_selection_clause [:type_selection_clause -base_table cr_revisions -with_subtypes false] # :log "type_selection_clause -with_subtypes $with_subtypes returns $type_selection_clause" if {$count} { set attribute_selection "count(*)" set orderby "" ;# no need to order when we count set page_number "" ;# no pagination when count is used } else { set attribute_selection [join $attributes ,] } set cond [list] if {$type_selection_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $type_selection_clause} if {$where_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $where_clause} if {[info exists publish_status]} {lappend cond "ci.publish_status = :publish_status"} if {$base_table eq "cr_folders"} { lappend cond "acs_objects.object_id = cf.folder_id and ci.item_id = cf.folder_id" set acs_objects_table "acs_objects, cr_items ci, " } else { lappend cond "ci.item_id = bt.item_id" set acs_objects_table "" } if {$parent_id ne ""} { set parent_clause "ci.parent_id = :parent_id" if {$with_children} { lappend cond "ci.item_id in ( select children.item_id from cr_items parent, cr_items children where children.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey) and parent.item_id = $parent_id and parent.tree_sortkey <> children.tree_sortkey)" } else { lappend cond $parent_clause } } if {$page_number ne ""} { set limit $page_size set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}] } else { set limit "" set offset "" } set sql [::xo::dc select -vars $attribute_selection -from "$acs_objects_table cr_folders cf $from_clause" -where [join $cond " and "] -orderby $orderby -limit $limit -offset $offset] return $sqlregister_content_types (scripted, public)
xo::db::CrFolder register_content_types -folder_id folder_id \ [ -content_types content_types ]Register the specified content types for the folder. If a content_type ends with a *, include its subtypes
- Switches:
- -folder_id (required)
- -content_types (optional)
- Testcases:
- xowiki_test_cases
foreach content_type $content_types { set with_subtypes [expr {[regexp {^(.*)[*]$} $content_type _ content_type] ? "t" : "f"}] ::acs::dc call content_folder register_content_type -folder_id $folder_id -content_type $content_type -include_subtypes $with_subtypes }Methods (to be applied on instances)
delete (scripted, public)
<instance of xo::db::CrFolder> deleteDelete the CrFolder instance. This method takes the folder_id of the current instance.
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
if {[:is_package_root_folder]} { ad_return_error "Removal denied" "Don't delete the package root folder, delete the package" return } # delegate deletion to the class [:info class] delete -item_id ${:folder_id}description (setter)
folder_id (setter)
label (setter)
mime_type (setter)
save (scripted, public)
<instance of xo::db::CrFolder> save args [ args... ]Save an existing CrFolder instance in the database.
- Parameters:
- args (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
set folder_id ${:folder_id} content::folder::update -folder_id $folder_id -attributes [list [list name ${:name}] [list label ${:label}] [list description ${:description}] ] [:info class] get_context package_id user_id ip ::xo::dc 1row _ "select acs_object__update_last_modified(:folder_id, :user_id, :ip)"save_new (scripted, public)
<instance of xo::db::CrFolder> save_new \ [ -creation_user creation_user ]Save a new CrFolder instance in the database.
- Switches:
- -creation_user (optional)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
set package_id ${:package_id} [:info class] get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip set :folder_id [::acs::dc call content_folder new -name ${:name} -label [:label] -description [:description] -parent_id ${:parent_id} -package_id $package_id -creation_user $creation_user -creation_ip $creation_ip] #parent_s has_child_folders attribute could have become outdated if { [nsf::is object ::${:parent_id}] } { ::${:parent_id} set has_child_folders t } # well, obtaining the allowed content_types this way is not very # straightforward, but since we currently create these folders via # ad_forms, and we have no form variable, this should be at least # robust. if {[[self class] exists allowed_content_types]} { ::xo::db::CrFolder register_content_types -folder_id ${:folder_id} -content_types [[self class] set allowed_content_types] } ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush ${:parent_id} return ${:folder_id}update (scripted)
::xo::dc transaction { next :instvar object_id label description ::xo::dc dml update_cr_folders {update cr_folders set label = :label,description = :description where folder_id = :object_id } }
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