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Class Relations
::xotcl::Object create ::xo::db::require
Methods (to be applied on the object)
default (scripted)
xo::db::require default
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
set default [::acs::dc call util get_default -table $table -column $col] if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "oracle"} { # # Oracle behaves differently: one needs the "modify" # subcommand, the stunt with the case below raises exceptions # of several reasons (cast needs length, boolean value in # coalesce, ...). Furthermore, Oracle does not allow a bind # variable for the default value. # set default [string trim $default] if {$default ne $value} { ::xo::dc dml alter-table-$table "alter table $table modify $col default [ns_dbquotevalue $value]" } return } # # Newer versions of PostgreSQL return default values with type # casts (e.g. 'en_US'::character varying). In these cases, we # remove the type cast from the returned default value before # comparison. # # Depending on the generation and real datatype of the DBMS, # certain datatype values are reported differently from the # DBMS. Therefore, we use a type cast to check whether # specified default value (e.g. '1900-01-01') is in fact # equivalent to default stored in db (e.g. '1900-01-01 # 00:00:00+01'::timestamp with timezone). # # Booleans can be normalized in advance without involving the # database if { ($default eq "f" && $value eq "false") || ($default eq "t" && $value eq "true") } { set value $default } if {$default ne $value} { if {[regexp {^'(.*)'::(.*)$} $default match default_value default_datatype]} { set clause "$default <> cast(:value as $default_datatype)" } else { set datatype [db_column_type $table $col] set clause "cast(:default as $datatype) <> cast(:value as $datatype)" } # This last coalesce is in case one of the compared values # was null: as we know they were different, this is # certainly a new default if {[::xo::dc get_value check_default " select coalesce($clause, true) from dual"]} { ::xo::dc dml alter-table-$table "alter table $table alter column $col set default :value" } }
exists_column (scripted)
xo::db::require exists_column
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
# # The following "try" operation is a transitional code: When # someone upgrades from OpenACS 5.9.1 to OpenACS 5.10, and the # upgrade script of 5.10 were not yet executed, the SQL function # definition is still the one of 5.9.1 have no -p_table and # p_column attributes defined (still the old names). A end user is # lost in this situation. Therefore, we provide as a fallback the # interface to the 5.9.1 parameter names. The situation is still a # problem in OpenACS 5.10, since the Oracle code has still the old # names. Therefore, for OpenACS 5.10.1, the names are made more # consistent, using "table_name" (abbreviated as table) and # "column" as on several other occasions. # try { ::acs::dc call util table_column_exists -table $table_name -column $column_name } on error {errorMsg} { try { ::acs::dc call util table_column_exists -t_name $table_name -c_name $column_name } on error {errorMsg} { ::acs::dc call util table_column_exists -p_table $table_name -p_column $column_name } }
function_args (scripted, public)
xo::db::require function_args [ -kernel_older_than kernel_older_than ] \ [ -package_key_and_version_older_than package_key_and_version_older_than ] \ [ -check_function check_function ] sql_file
Load the SQL file, if the kernel is older than the specified version, and the version of the specified package is older, and the check_function does not exist in function_args.
Sample usage: ::xo::db::require function_args \
-kernel_older_than 5.5.0 \
-older_than_package_key_and_version "xowiki 0.50" \
-check_function "acs_object_type__create_type" \
[acs_package_root_dir xotcl-request-broker]/patches/funcs-1.sql- Switches:
- -kernel_older_than (optional)
- -package_key_and_version_older_than (optional)
- -check_function (optional)
- Parameters:
- sql_file (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "postgresql"} { # only necessary with PostgreSQL if {[info exists kernel_older_than]} { if {[apm_version_names_compare $kernel_older_than [ad_acs_version]] < 1} { # nothing to do return } } if {[info exists package_key_and_version_older_than]} { set p [split $package_key_and_version_older_than] if {[llength $p] != 2} { error "package_key_and_version_older_than should be of the form 'package_key version'" } lassign $p package_key version set installed_version [apm_highest_version_name $package_key] if {[apm_version_names_compare $installed_version $version] > -1} { # nothing to do return } } if {[info exists check_function]} { set check_function [string toupper $check_function] set function_exists [::xo::dc 0or1row function_exists { select 1 from dual where exists (SELECT 1 FROM acs_function_args WHERE function = :check_function) }] if {$function_exists} { # nothing to do return } } if {[ad_file readable $sql_file]} { :log "Sourcing '$sql_file'" db_source_sql_file $sql_file ::xo::db::Class create_all_functions return 1 } else { :log "Could not source '$sql_file'" } } return 0
index (scripted)
xo::db::require index
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
if {![info exists col] && ![info exists expression]} { error "Neither col nor expression were provided" } if { [info exists col] && [info exists expression]} { error "Please provide either col or expression" } if {[info exists col]} { set colExpSQL $col regsub -all -- ", *" $col _ colExpName } else { set colExpSQL ($expression) if {[info exists expression_name]} { set colExpName $expression_name } else { regsub -all -- {[^[:alnum:]]} $expression "" colExpName } } set suffix [expr {$unique ? "un_idx" : "idx"}] set uniquepart [expr {$unique ? "UNIQUE" : ""}] set name [::xo::dc mk_sql_constraint_name $table $colExpName $suffix] if {![::acs::dc call util index_exists -name $name]} { if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "oracle"} {set using ""} set using [expr {$using ne "" ? "using $using" : ""}] ::xo::dc dml create-index-$name "create $uniquepart index $name ON $table $using ($colExpSQL)" }
not_null (scripted)
xo::db::require not_null
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
set exists_p [::acs::dc call util not_null_exists -table $table -column $col] if {!$exists_p} { ::xo::dc dml alter-table-$table "alter table $table alter column $col set not null" }
references (scripted)
xo::db::require references
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
# Check for already existing foreign keys. set ref [string trim $ref] # try to match the full reftable(refcol) syntax... if {![regexp {^(\w*)\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)\s*(.*)$} $ref match reftable refcol rest]} { # if fails only table was given, assume refcol is reftable's # primary key set reftable [lindex $ref 0] set refcol [::acs::dc call util get_primary_keys -table $reftable] # only one primary key is supported for the table if {[llength $refcol] != 1} { return } } set exists_p [::acs::dc call util foreign_key_exists -table $table -column $col -reftable $reftable -refcolumn $refcol] if {$exists_p} { ns_log debug "foreign key already exists for table $table column $col" "to ${reftable}(${refcol})" return } ::xo::dc dml alter-table-$table "alter table $table add foreign key ($col) references $ref"
table (scripted)
xo::db::require table
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
#:log "==== require table $name exists: [:exists_table $name]\n$definition" if {![:exists_table $name]} { set lines {} foreach col [dict keys $definition] {lappend lines "$col [dict get $definition $col]"} set definition [join $lines ",\n"] # :log "--table $name does not exist, creating with definition: $definition" ::xo::dc dml create-table-$name "create table $name ($definition)" if {$populate ne ""} { ::xo::dc dml populate-table-$name $populate } } else { # The table exists already. Check the columns, whether we have to # add columns. We do not alter attribute types, and we do not # delete columns. foreach col [dict keys $definition] { if {![:exists_column $name $col]} { ns_log notice "xodb: adding column <alter table $name add column $col [dict get $definition $col]>" ::xo::dc dml alter-table-$name "alter table $name add column $col [dict get $definition $col]" } } }
unique (scripted)
xo::db::require unique
- Testcases:
- xotcl_core_tutorial_2, xotcl-core
# Unique could be there by an index too set idxname [::xo::dc mk_sql_constraint_name $table $col un_idx] if {[::acs::dc call util index_exists -name $idxname]} return if {![::acs::dc call util unique_exists -table $table -column $col]} { ::xo::dc dml alter-table-$table "alter table $table add unique ($col)" }
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