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Class ::xowf::Package
::xowf::Packagecreate ...
Defined in
Class Relations
Methods (to be applied on the object)
create_new_workflow_page (scripted, public)
xowf::Packagecreate_new_workflow_page -package_id package_id \ -parent_id parent_id -name name -title title \ [ -instance_attributes instance_attributes ]
Helper proc for loading workflow prototype page with less effort.
- Switches:
- -package_id (required)
- -parent_id (required)
- -name (required)
- -title (required)
- -instance_attributes (optional)
- Testcases:
- create_new_workflow_page
Methods (to be applied on instances)
destroy (scripted, public)
<instance of xowf::Package> destroy
remove mixin
- Testcases:
- create_test_items, create_workflow_with_instance
initialize (scripted, public)
<instance of xowf::Package> initialize
Add mixin ::xowf::WorkflowPage to every FormPage.
::xowf::Package set __default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class ::xowf::Package set __default_superclass ::xotcl::Object ::xowf::Package set abstract_p f ::xowf::Package set auto_save false ::xowf::Package array set db_constraints {} ::xowf::Package array set db_slot {package_id ::xowf::Package::slot::package_id} ::xowf::Package set default_package_parameter_page_info { name en:xowf-default-parameter title "Xowf Default Parameter" instance_attributes { MenuBar t top_includelet none production_mode f with_user_tracking t with_general_comments f with_digg f with_tags f ExtraMenuEntries {{config -use xowf}} with_delicious f with_notifications f security_policy ::xowiki::policy1 } } ::xowf::Package set default_package_parameters { parameter_page en:xowf-default-parameter } ::xowf::Package set id_column package_id ::xowf::Package set name_method {} ::xowf::Package set object_type ::xowf::Package ::xowf::Package set object_type_key 00000000000001010000001000000001 ::xowf::Package set package_key xowf ::xowf::Package set pretty_name {XoWiki Workflow} ::xowf::Package set pretty_plural {XoWiki Workflow} ::xowf::Package set security_inherit_p t ::xowf::Package set site_wide_info {folder_id 5443958 instance_id 5443954} ::xowf::Package set site_wide_package_parameter_page_info { name en:xowf-site-wide-parameter title "Xowf Site-wide Parameter" instance_attributes { index_page table-of-contents MenuBar t top_includelet none production_mode f with_user_tracking t with_general_comments f with_digg f with_tags f with_delicious f with_notifications f security_policy ::xowiki::policy1 }} ::xowf::Package set site_wide_package_parameters { parameter_page en:xowf-site-wide-parameter } ::xowf::Package set site_wide_pages { Workflow.form atjob-form TestItemText.form TestItemShortText.form TestItemMC.form TestItemSC.form TestItemReorder.form TestItemUpload.form TestItemComposite.form TestItemPoolQuestion.form ExamFolder online-exam.wf inclass-quiz.wf inclass-exam.wf inclass-exam-statistics.wf edit-interaction.wf edit-grading-scheme.wf answer-single-question.wf quiz-select_question.form select_question.form select-topics.form select-group-members.form } ::xowf::Package set sql_package_name ::xowf::Package ::xowf::Package set supertype acs_object ::xowf::Package set table_name xowf_package ::xowf::Package set with_table true
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