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Class ::xowiki::BootstrapNavbar
::xowiki::BootstrapNavbarcreate ... \
[ -autorender (default "false") ] \
[ -containerClass (default "container-fluid px-0") ] \
[ -menubar menubar ] \
[ -navbarClass (default "navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-default navbar-static-top mx-2 p-0") ]
Defined in
Class Relations
::xo::tdom::Class create ::xowiki::BootstrapNavbar \ -superclass ::xowiki::MenuMethods (to be applied on instances)
render (scripted, public)
<instance of xowiki::BootstrapNavbar> render
- Testcases:
- create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance
html::nav -class [template::CSS classes ${:navbarClass}] -role "navigation" -style "background-color: #f8f9fa;" { # # Render the pull down menus # html::div -class ${:containerClass} { set rightMenuEntries {} html::ul -class "nav navbar-nav px-3" { foreach entry [:children] { if {[$entry istype ::xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu]} { $entry render } else { lappend rightMenuEntries $entry } } } if {[llength $rightMenuEntries] > 0} { html::ul -class "nav navbar-nav [::template::CSS class navbar-right]" { foreach entry $rightMenuEntries { $entry render } } } } }
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