Forum: OpenACS Development

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ANN: tools::paginate

Jon Griffin 14 07/09/03 03:36 AM 08/02/03 10:50 PM

template::forward and the 2,083 IE limit

Jun Yamog 8 07/09/03 08:41 PM 08/02/03 07:32 PM

group_types: why not referenced in groups

Barry Books 9 07/11/03 06:50 PM 07/15/03 05:24 PM

Is party__delete correct?

Don Baccus 1 07/12/03 07:20 AM 07/13/03 02:15 AM

acs_rels: why and when to use

Don Baccus 8 07/12/03 11:47 PM 07/31/03 12:34 AM

relational segments: how do you use them

Randy O'Meara 25 07/13/03 05:36 PM 08/18/03 03:44 AM

validating filenames

Trenton Cameron 1 07/15/03 02:16 AM 07/15/03 09:28 PM

Making db_map throw an error if query doesn't exist

Jun Yamog 1 07/15/03 11:15 AM 07/15/03 02:31 PM

Adding comments to ADP pages in the www directory?

Roberto Mello 2 07/15/03 09:12 PM 07/17/03 01:22 AM

ad_form problems, __new_p

Don Baccus 2 07/16/03 12:12 PM 07/16/03 04:15 PM

validating filename

0 07/16/03 10:26 PM 07/16/03 10:26 PM

query-writer -- eliminating pl functions

Randy O'Meara 7 07/16/03 11:43 PM 09/30/03 02:04 AM

where to define an ad_parameter? (OpenACS 4.6.2)

Pol Vilarmau 2 07/17/03 04:58 PM 07/17/03 09:15 PM

ad_form widget for textareas

Mark Aufflick 14 07/17/03 05:44 PM 03/04/04 04:18 PM

current_timestamp = ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone

Don Baccus 4 07/18/03 05:48 PM 07/18/03 11:47 PM


Malte Sussdorff 3 07/19/03 10:29 AM 07/19/03 06:04 PM

ad_httpget and tdom

0 07/20/03 11:56 AM 07/20/03 11:56 AM

oops. cvs allows anonymous tagging

Don Baccus 8 07/21/03 09:05 AM 07/26/03 01:02 AM

WebDAV Implementation for OpenACS

shareen khan 7 07/21/03 06:34 PM 04/30/06 08:04 PM

Creating a new Object in Oracle and OpenACS

Jarkko Laine 1 07/21/03 07:10 PM 07/21/03 07:36 PM

"request a bid for services" on

Jerry Asher 1 07/22/03 02:40 PM 07/25/03 03:37 AM

DefaultFormStyle param for acs-templating

Lars Pind 1 07/22/03 06:32 PM 08/07/03 07:22 PM

ad_form Questions

Don Baccus 5 07/24/03 07:16 PM 07/25/03 03:37 AM

RFC: Donationware Spec

Nima Mazloumi 20 07/24/03 07:31 PM 08/13/05 09:21 PM

multiple hidden widget?

Jeff Lu 6 07/25/03 03:53 PM 07/28/03 05:52 AM

acs-content-repository problem with PG 7.3

Roberto Mello 1 07/26/03 02:57 AM 07/26/03 02:58 AM

Spell checking

Malte Sussdorff 5 07/26/03 07:24 AM 08/05/03 08:52 AM

RFB: Various features

0 07/26/03 12:05 PM 07/26/03 12:05 PM

Per subsite singleton packages?

0 07/30/03 05:31 PM 07/30/03 05:31 PM

using tree_ancestor_p ... good or bad?

Jun Yamog 1 07/31/03 06:32 PM 07/31/03 07:21 PM