Hmm.. adding patch at this time of night is proving to take too long.
Can I search to see if there are previously entered duplicate bugs or patches? Can I upload multiple patches to one bug?
This is tedious for the payoff. Let me describe what I did, and I will upload a patch for each file tomorrow. Time for sleep.
From my text file as I was making changes:
to fully css my site:
- edit www/index.adp, default-master.adp, and add default.css
- edit packages/acs-subsite/www/register/index.adp, change <a href> to use class="site_nav"
- edit acs-tcl/tcl/navigation-procs.tcl, add class="site_nav" to its <a href> in function ad_context_bar_html
- in packages/acs-subsite/www/register/index.adp, bad-password.adp, deleted-user.adp, explain-persisten-cookies.adp,
packages/acs-subsite/www/user/basic-info-update.adp, password-update.adp
remove <property name="context_bar">'to <a href="/">@system_name@</a></property>
The basic idea is that a bunch of adp's substitute something silly for the context_bar property; and I just blew those away (and tested! result is *much* better!). Then I added a class="site_nav" to the hard-coded nav link function, and lastly the user should add the .css file with the a.site_nav{} in it at least... That will take care of the context_bar at least.
Sadly, it is not a general solution. But for anyone that wants a quick and clean hack, I guess that's what this is.