Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Problem and a doubt with the Search package.

Posted by Jorge Couchet on
Reading the document that states how to make an object searchable (in OpenACS documentation) appears the following:

"if your object type uses the content repository to store its items, then you are done. If not, an extra step is required to inform the search_observer_queue of new content items, updates or deletions. We do this by adding triggers on the table that stores the content items of your object type"

Isn't the FAQ package using the Content Repository and is necessary to add manually to the FAQ table the triggers to inform the search_observer_queue?.

Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on

I don't think FAQ is using the content repository. The triggers to fill up the search_observer_queue table are missing in the FAQ package, that's why the content is not indexed.

Posted by Jorge Couchet on

Thanks a lot!! I'm adding the triggers to the FAQ Package!

Posted by Jorge Couchet on
Ready! The content of the FAQ Package is now indexed automatically. For that I have added the following in the database:


create function faq_sc__itrg ()
returns opaque as '
perform search_observer__enqueue(new.entry_id,''INSERT''); return new;
end; ' language 'plpgsql';

create function faq_sc__dtrg ()
returns opaque as '
perform search_observer__enqueue(old.entry_id,''DELETE''); return old;
end; ' language 'plpgsql';

create function faq_sc__utrg ()
returns opaque as '
perform search_observer__enqueue(old.entry_id,''UPDATE''); return old;
end; ' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger faq_sc__itrg after insert on faq_q_and_as for each row execute procedure faq_sc__itrg ();

create trigger faq_sc__dtrg after delete on faq_q_and_as for each row execute procedure faq_sc__dtrg ();

create trigger faq_sc__utrg after update on faq_q_and_as for each row execute procedure faq_sc__utrg ();


Thanks a lot for the help!


Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Thanks Jorge. I've added the triggers to the repository at the oacs-5-3 branch.
Emmanuelle, you are welcome!!!