I have a bunch of small fixes to photo-album that I would like to check into /contrib/packages/photo-album on the HEAD. Here's the summary:
* tcl/photo-album-procs.tcl:
- in pa_context_bar_list, instead of returning nothing when we are in the root folder, should return [list $final]. Otherwise, you get an incomplete context bar in the root folder.
* www/clipboards.adp
* www/clipboard-delete.tcl (NEW)
- changes to allow users to delete a photo clipboard (capability exists in SQL API but never exposed in UI)
* www/photo-move-oracle.xql
* www/photo-move-postgresql.xql
* www/photo-move.tcl
- change to allow users to move photos into any album below the root folder where they have appropriate permissions (to be more consistent with album-move)
* context bar fix to 16 ADP files
- The context bar is being passed to the master template as "context_list". Changed to "context" so that it works with the current default-master.tcl and is more consistent with other packages.
Can I have permission to check these changes in? Or, if you prefer, I can email a tarball of the affected files. If so, who should I send them to?