Hi Robert,
I'm glad you've reached this milestone! I like this, and also where you started: https://openacs.org/xowiki/just_playing_around A sprinkle of colors can really please the eyes! =) As a guiding principle, you might want to have the front page blend with the new forums css design, since the forums are the most heavily used on openacs.org (and openacs.org partly attempts to be a working/leading example of what one can expect from the latest stable release).
1.. use san serif fonts, and
2. consider testing to see how the layout looks in a 150 pixel wide view.. (for the cell phone users)... at least to make it useable form them.
3. Please take a moment to look at how the front page can help meet some of the goals of the documentation requirements: https://openacs.org/xowiki/docs-end-user-reqs For example, add some of the links from the "For everyone" page ( https://openacs.org/xowiki/docs-end-user ) and "For developers" ( https://openacs.org/xowiki/docs-eng ).
Use the links from the main OpenACS Handbook pages ( https://openacs.org/xowiki/openacs-handbook ) that meet the other's requests and replaces the existing links on the front page (some of which has already been done). For example, link to the https://openacs.org/xowiki/openacs-system-try "how to install OpenACS" button, and https://openacs.org/xowiki/docs-end-user for the "Why use the framework?" button. and replace "Featured articles" with a link to https://openacs.org/xowiki/docs-dev-tutorial (and move links from the articles there).
The idea is to push the nonstatic info off the front page as much as possible to allow the community to easily contribute and keep pages relevant and fresh with current events and projects etc.