Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: acknowledgement module available?

Posted by Caroline Meeks on
Here are some possible use cases where a developer might want to require an acknowlegement to only a specific part of a package.

Publishing Personal Data

A school decides they need a legal authorization before they can show a student's photo graph on the web.  Thus the authroization form should pop up just before the student uploads thier photo.


A company sets up a file storage area and anyone with access can post a file thier. However, if you want to see a file you have to sign thier non-disclosure agreement first.

I'm thinking that your package could supply a tcl API like:

ad_mayberedirect_for_agreement -form "Blah-nondisclosure"


Another possible feature:

Ability to rerequire people to sign.

For instance there is a court case and the lawyer tells your company that they're old agreements are meaningless must reword all thier aggreements and get all new signatures.  They need to be able to upload a new version and reset all the users agreed_p to 'f'.

On the other hand someone finds a typo, you need to upload a new version but not reset agreed_p.

Posted by Peter Alberer on
Agreed, those are use cases that should definitely be possible with the system! In the last case (rerequirement) i had thought about issuing a new acknowledgement requirement. But removing the old acknowledgements would save space in the database :)