This is yet another CM thread that, when responses are weighed, tends to lean toward the negative. There are others hidden about in these forums.
I've watched as folks waded into the oacs CM stream over the last two years. Most, it appears, have been scared away by claims of "DANGEROUS WATERS". I'm just wondering why there is so little effort given to producing concrete examples and guidance that would prove the warnings false. Well, actually, I know why this is the case... the guys (and gals) that have taken the time to dig in and understand (the ones that are qualified to dispel the fears) are very much in demand for these exact skills.
I remember not too long ago when Joel revamped/rewrote the Getting Started tutorial that helped some of the basic oacs pieces fall into place for me. And, I'm sure it has helped countless others as well.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if, as Tom suggested above, there were a simple tutorial (including working code samples) that would help beginning CR users understand the basics? The pifalls? I don't think it would be extremely time consuming for any individual CR expert if each of those knowledgeable of the CR added a small piece to the tutorial.
We do have a CMS forum that's gathering dust. How about a thread in that forum where bits and pieces could be added? If you have coded with the CR, would you post?
If so, just add a message to the thread ( I just created for this purpose!
Now is your opportunity to give a little an receive a lot.