Forum .LRN Q&A: Minor data loss on translation server

In the process of deleting messages containing invalid variables (variables that are not in the english message, for example a misspelled %sytem_name% was used instead of %system_name%) I accidentally deleted too many mesages and had to bring down the server and restore the data from our nightly backups. I'm sorry about any lost translations that this might have caused! If anybody's interested I can dig up the full listing of deleted keys. The system will now no longer allow messages with invalid variables to be added.
Posted by Anja Wicht on
"dig up the full listing of deleted keys" - just the keys? Well, yes, I'm interested. But I would of course be even more interested if the translations could be retrieved. Since the server is still down I couldn't check out yet how many messages were affected (and which ones), so I keep hoping.
Posted by Anja Wicht on
So that's the "minor loss" now? That was hours - weeks - of work. How often do you make backups of the translation work!? This one seems to be from the beginning of October! There is a point when a careless (if not disrepectful) working style makes it hard to cooperate. This is very, very annoying.
Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on

I understand your horror in this discovery (after the amazing work you have done over the last few weeks), but Peter did mention that he has nightly backups. This problem you have discovered should be fixable. I recommend stopping any translation until Peter can take a look at it and let us know what went wrong and if it can be fixed (I have hope that it can be fixed).


Posted by Peter Marklund on
I perfectly understand Anja's frustration in discovering that translations are lost on the server. We take the matter very seriously and since we have backup files there is a good chance that any lost translations can be recovered. I encourage other translators to visit /acs-lang/admin on the translation server, examine the untranslated messages for each package in their respective locale and please let me know if there are lost translations.

Thank you!

Posted by Anja Wicht on
Ok. I think there was a misunderstanding concerning the backups, sorry. I'll see what I/you might do. (The problem is, though, that there are a lot of messages that I just quality checked or edited, so the translations are not 'lost' in the sense that there is no translation, and these messages will probably be difficult to find out (?).)
Posted by Rafael Calvo on
Danny Elmassih (at WEG) did AR_LB (arabic). I believe he had done about 2,000 (all the ones avilable a few weeks ago) and there are only 1600 or so now. Danny finished his project with me, could you see if you could recover some more of his work?



Posted by Rafael Calvo on
Someone else at WEG is now working in the chinese translation and we had done the Korean. Should I ask them to hold on their work until your work is more stable? do you expect more changes/problems like this?

I am not complaining, I think your are doing a good job, is just that I want to make sure that we assign people/resources appropriately.


Posted by Peter Marklund on
I would not hold off with translations. We will proceed very cautiously with future upgrades and we will have a better process in place. I will investigate any loss of AR_LB messages.

as far as lost edits go I've been trying to investigate that a little. I have set up a server running the messages that were in the server on the 29:th of october, before most of the upgrade work was done. I have added a page that shows you recent translation work. Please compare the following two pages, the first one being the production data, and the second one being the data on the 29:th of October:

It seems on the production machine edits before october have been lost. Anja, if you could point me to one or two example messages to work with that are lost (or rather not up-to-date) on the production server that would be very helpful.

Thanks for your patience!

Posted by Rafael Calvo on
As you might have noticed chinese was finished during the weekend


Posted by Rafael Calvo on
I was looking att the chinese interface. Althought it has 600 more tokens translated than Spanish, it looks as if it were very incomplete. Why is that?


Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on
What good news! Thanks for getting these people involved Rafael. The Chinese version I looked at seemed complete.
Make sure you are on the right locale. There are two Chinese locales in the system right now:
Chinese (ZH) = 2093 translations
Chinese (TW) = 60 translations