Hi Jeff,
I installed TCL 8.4.4 and the AOLServer v4:
3 questions:
1. I compared the bin directory of Aolserver 3.3 and 4:
libphp4.so nscache.so nscp.so nsd-postgres nsfts.so nsopenssl.so nsperm.so nsrewrite.so nssock.so libtdom.so nscgi.so nsext.so nslog.so nspam.so nspostgres.so nssha1.so nsxml.so
nscgi.so nscp.so nsdb.so nsext.so nslog.so nsperm.so nssock.so
Can I simple copy these files or do I have to recompile them using the v4.0 source code.
2. Where do I have to make the setting package require tdom?
3. There is a sample-config.tcl file included in v4.0. Can I copy the missing settings from my current OpenACS config.tcl file? Do you have a config.tcl for OpenACS 5 file that the v4 server uses?
They still have the docs of v3 online at aolserver.org :(
Thank you for your help.