Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: tsearch2 problems

2: Re: tsearch2 problems (response to 1)
Posted by Stefan Sobernig on

the "denied permission for language *" issue relates to a privilege mismatch between the executing user of psql (yours is not traceable from the lines posted above) and the required superuser ones these kind of language-level operations (as tsearch2.sql) require.

So check the following:

Issue a "\du" in the interactive psql environment and make sure the OPENACS/SERVICE user (whatever this might be in your setting) takes the role of a superuser.

For the manual approach: Pick one of the listed superusers in "\du" and make sure, psql is executed in such a user's realm: psql -U _superuser_ -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.2/contrib/tsearch2.sql

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