I'm happy to finally announce that P/O 2.0 is available for free download from http://www.project-open.com/download/. V2.0 includes:
- The "P/O Core" module with Customers, Users, Projects, Dynamic Menus, Component Plugins (like portlets), Role-Based Permission Management (implemented using OpenACS permissions, yes Don!) and User Subadministration
- "P/O Filestorage" which provides Internet up- download of files in a filesystem.
- "P/O Forums" with incidents, tasks, news, discussions and notes, based on role-based permission. Incidents and tasks include an incident resolution workflow.
- "P/O Invoices" is the invoicing "core" that receives invoicable data from other modules such as the Translation Workflow module or the Server Hosting module (not included in this distribution).
- "P/O Payments" cover customer payments of invoices.
- "P/O Timesheet" is a basic timesheet management.
- "P/O Freelance Management" is a freelancer database with freely configurable skill sets (similar to online job markets) in a self-service mode with a confirmation workflow.
- "P/O Big Brother Integration" takes data from the Big Brother (http://bb4.com/) server monitoring system and integrates them with P/O (basic integration still).
We haven't set up discussion forums and bug tracking yet, so you would have to write me if you encounter any type of issues. I'm aware about the differences in philosophy...
A question to the OpenACS leadership team: Do you want to include the P/O modules in the OpenACS contrib directory?
Btw. Randy, thanks for the hint, I've added several links to OpenACS in the P/O website now.