Project/Open basicly is a port of the "ACS 3.4 Intranet" module to OpenACS 5.1. Project/Open V2.0.0 is a bugfix release after V2.0.rc2, available for download at http://www.project-open.org/download/. It installs without errors and is already (2004-06-03) in productive use at three different customers.
Main features of the new release are:
- "Core module" with extended configuration GUI (GPLed)
- Timesheet logging with "absences" (travelling with contact info, holidays, vacations, etc) and additional timesheet reports that allow to check that everybody has logged his hours (GPLed).
- FS Filestorage module with +/- (open/close) and permissions (global: employees, customers, ... and project roles: PM, project member, ...)
Most modules are available under the GPL. In particular you can build an Intranet system with timesheet management completely with GPLed code (although based on Oracle 8.1.7). The other modules released are copyrighted under a standard commercial license, but licensed at zero cost for use and modification.
There is a roadmap draft at http://www.project-open.org/download/roadmap.html. Maybe you would like to contribute requests for featurs etc.
I want to say thanks to all the team members who have participated in the work (in alphabetic order):
- Marc Baiges
- Alejandro Beya
- Alwin Egger
- Klaus Hofeditz
- Santi Trenchs
- Pol Vilarmau
with support from:
- Christian Acosta
- Xavier Ginesta
- Isabel Jiménez
- Malte Süssdorff
- Nicolas Worms
Best regards,