Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to mod_aolserver: make a wish

Posted by finn knudsen on
Hi Petru

Great idear. I started out using the mod_aolserver on apache because I had some old perl scripts I wanted to keep using. But I have since switched over to using Aolserver instead. I must say though, that I probably will not switch back now, but I think many people would be interested in at least trying openacs out, if they could use the webserver they are used to.

I personally downloaded the RPM's and got mod_aolserver running after a bit of problems. You can see a discussion I had with Michael here about some installation problems on RedHat 7.0

He never got back to me about the installation guide but I have a rough draft I can send you.

Another good person to contact might be Os Tyler, you can find him through the thread below. It seems he has been working quite a bit with mod_aolserver

Okay, a short list of things I would think could be important :

Getting the RPM's up to date with the new release of redhat, so they will install without a problem.

There where some problems with the abstract urls. Os tyler has posted a solution here sometime.

I had problems with the create neighborhood module. In general it was with the forms module generator, and there is some postings here.
I personally have a feeling that it may be something with the redirect/heades that doesn't work properly in mod_aolserver, rather than the actual tcl code.

There where generally quite a few problems, but they could just as well be caused by my lack of understanding of openacs. The aol server I'm running now arent working 100 % either.

However, there are one thing that I found would be extremely important and usefull. If it where possible to use mod_aolserver alongside mod_perl, mod_php etc. it would be much easier to migrate and existing site to openacs. I tried to contact various people to see if they had it running, but I couldn't find anyone that had actually gotten it working. I could be problems with the apache configuration but I gave up on getting it working. ( Part of the reason why I switched to Aolserver ).
I could get apache to execute the cgi scrips to execute but the would die.

Anyway , I thinks its a great initiative, and I will try to help if I can. However, I don't have an apache server running at the moment, so I can't do much actual testing.

Feel free to write anyway, if you think I can help.