Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Installing 4.x from scratch

Posted by Domingo Alvarez duarte on
Well I've tried to reisntall today and all worked fine installing
openacs4 base system.

When I tried to install aditional packages I've got some errors,
I've done some corrections on acs-messaging and general-comments
and discover that in acs-create was left the "default_context"
in the postgresql port.

I did the corrections and it works fine now, at least the installation
goes till the end.

Except for static-pages, wap, ldap and other because version.

PS.: Going through the correction proccess I discovered that not
all of us is using a start transaction at the begning of each
sql file, I did it in some of then that I worked on and that make
a lot easier to correct problems because till we correct all the
big mistakes we don't need restart the installation from zero
because the when the errors are detected by the installation
proccess part of the package was installed and making impossible
restart the proccess again.
Please let's think on it !

I've installed the code with my corrections in my cvsserver at:

If someone want's can access it with "anonymous" username.

cvs -d checkout openacs4/packages/acs-messaging

cvs -d checkout openacs4/packages/general-comments

cvs -d checkout openacs4/packages/acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/acs-create.sql