Dear Community,
XoWiki 0.105 is available from CVS head of the OpenACS code repository. This release is a pre-release, and should go into the "stable branch"
(oacs-5-4) by end of next week. We use this version in production, so it is supposed to be pretty stable.
Since release 0.60 (see there were 1139 changes (commits) for xowiki.
A detailed changelog can be found in
Below is a summary of the most important changes.
Best regards
-Gustaf Neumann
General improvements:
- Allow xowiki package admins to administer categories for the package
instance (important for e.g. xowiki applet in DotLRN,
this functionality requires categories 1.1.2d4) - Many improvements on import/export
- Make page_order (together with includelets toc and book)
available for Oracle as well - Improved cluster support
- Parameter pages: arbitrary forms can be used to parameterize xowiki
packages, since FormPages are essentially named attribute/value
pairs with web-based I/O behavior (it is e.g. possible to use Forms
to provide values for as package parameters, or to access these
pages via includelet "get" etc.)
- improve accessibility
- HTML, CSS improvements
- improve code quality and performance
New Prototype pages
This prototype page lists entries of FormPages en:announcement-talk
and en:announcement-workshop in ical format (a user can subscribe
to these events via ical compliant calendar programs such as
thunderbird/lightning/sunbird or Ical)
-,, and
Prototype pages for different kind of announcements. is the
aggregator. Prototype pages support micro-formats
(see e.g. slides from the XoWiki presentation in Guatemala
like, but for printing (e.g. no js)
New Includelets:
- rss-client, iframe, my-refers, bookmarklet-button,
most-frequent-visitors, view-item-button, copy-item-button
Improved support for form-fields:
- support for autonamed entries
- support for compound form fields
- ::xowiki::FormPages might have sub-objects (used for attached files
and images entered via form-fields), included in
import/export. Sub-objects are seen as part of the including
objects. If including objects are e.g. deleted/exported/etc.,
the same operations are applied on sub-objects as well.
- Ability to use category values, party_ids and and FormPage
instances as values of form-fields, which are preserved during
- Improve form-usages includelets in many respects, including
a simply query language and ability to pass @-variables
with form-content to it.
- Added several new form-field types: page, form_page, checkbox,
file, image, omit, password, youtube_url, image_url, label, form,
form_constraints, event
Package parameter
- ability to include/exclude an xowiki instance from Google sitemap
XoWiki classes ::xowiki::PageTemplate and ::xowiki::PageInstance are
deprecated and will be removed in future versions (the functionality
is a subset of ::xowiki::Form and ::xowiki::FormPage). It is planned
to replace in the future the folder object by an ::xowiki::Form-based