Forum OpenACS Q&A: Boston Area OpenACS Bug Bash, February 2005 (Update: Social in Feb, Bug Bash in March)

Unless I cannot find a volunteer to help with the technical organization (or we have another blizzard), I will host an OpenACS Bug Bash this coming weekend and combine it with a OpenACS/.LRN social on Saturday night. Both in the Davis Square area. The bug bash will start Saturday before noon and end sometime Sunday.

I will provide tables, chairs, electricity, connectivity, and think of some way of preventing people from starving.

I need a single volunteer to help set up the server and make sure that the fixes get committed (after or during the bash). I can provide a blank slate (hardware) with a networked Debian based install running on it by Wednesday/Thursday if needed.

As soon as someone with CVS commit volunteers to help that part of the organization I will post more detailed information.

Posted by Don Baccus on
If we planned these far enough in advance for me to buy a cheap ticket I might so up! :)
Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on
A couple of people have complained about the short term bug bash notification (Don you are not alone), so I am going to push this forward in time a bit (although I am going to have the OpenACS social this Saturday, even if it is me alone with OpenACS on a laptop and beer in hand).

Feb. 26-27 or Mar. 12-13 are the options.
Want to check flights Don? The person with the longest journey behind him/her gets first pick of the sofas (there are two). ;)

Will post the location and time of the social on Saturday later today.

The OpenACS/.LRN Social will be held this Saturday (2005-02-12) starting at ~7:30pm (end unknown)

Anyone remotely interested in OpenACS or .LRN is welcome.

Cambridge Brewing Co Inc
(617) 494-1994
1 Kendall Sq
Cambridge, MA 02139

From their site:
Direction to the Cambridge Brewing Company from the "T."

Take the red line to Kendall Square stop. Come up to the street level and go through the Marriott Hotel lobby. Take a left onto Broadway and continue walking straight until you cross over a set of railroad tracks (after the 2 nd set of lights). Take your first right onto Hampshire Street and we are in the back left corner of the one Kendall square complex (5-10 minute walk).

Ask for the OpenACS table. I can promise that at least one person ;) will be there 'till late enjoying their winter brews...

Unlike the social this Saturday, the bug bash will be on the second weekend in March. Venue to be announced.
I'll be arriving in Boston Wednesday March 9 and will be departing the following Wednesday.
7: BugBash only? (response to 1)
Posted by Frank Bergmann on

is the BugBash going to be a "pure" BugBash, or are you also going to run some bootcamp like sessions? I know some people in Canada who might come over if there were some introductory/hands-on sessions.


I'll be there. I'll probably be around for a couple of days before or after the "official" dates if Don will be there to improve the bug squashing percentage.
Frank, let me check with the folks here but I think we can put some hands-on sessions together for March 17 and 18. What would you like to see covered?
Oops, got the dates wrong, I meant the Thursday/Friday that Don's in town. <strike>March 12/13</strike> March 10/11.

I just talked to Al and he supports this, so let's make it happen.

Oh man, I really suck. Let's try that again: March 10/11.
Hi Andrew,

thank for responding, I think it's going to be canceled.
'Hope you're going to have a good time anyway.


Not much time for posting this week, but just to clarify: Bug Bash is on and Andrew the point person for the OpenACS course (the cancellation post has to do with the Canadians that Frank was considering sending to warmer territories I assume).

Of note: I will be hosting two special guests (Don and Dave) during the period (the weekend after this one) and look forward to having a lot of people in one place to work on the OpenACS and meet face-to-face.

Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on
Bug Bash Times and Place

Saturday March 12th 10am-7pm
Sunday March 13th 10am-7pm

15 Claremon Street, 1st Floor
Somerville, MA
02144 USA

5 minute walk from the Davis T stop.

Social on Saturday night (March 12th)
Cambrige Brewing Company
around 8pm

Please check the tail end of this thread for any changes.

Okay, given the timing and that Frank's group isn't going to make it, we're going to organize a day of informal workshops on Friday instead of a bootcamp. I'll post the exact where and when by the end of the weekend.

As for the what, I know Dave's interested in talking about the new stuff in the CR. I think what I'll do tonight is set up a grid and start filling the slots. If there's something you want to talk about or hear about, can you either post it here or email me?


We'll have a room at Sloan for Friday. Thanks, Al!
Hi All,

I was just looking at the openacs site when I saw there was an openacs get together and some informal workshops. I'd really like to come and meet some members of the openacs community. Currently I work at Brandeis University where we're / I'm still running acs 3.4. (see )

Are the weekend events open to anyone?



Yes, they are open to anyone. The Friday event will be a presentation/discussion forum. The Saturday and Sunday bug bash will be work days but anyone's welcome to join in. And of course the social event Saturday evening is purely social, there's no implied obligation to help out with the bug bash or anything like that.

After all, we've invited Talli and and Al and wouldn't dare think of letting either of them touch actual code :)

Change of location of social. Info below.

The workshops at MIT went very well. A big thank you to Sloan (and Al) for hosting and Andrew for organizing a great meeting.

Come rain, come snow, the bug bash will start at around 9:30 AM at 15 Claremon Street in Somerville as planned, but there will be a change of plans for the social on Saturday night due to some problems reserving for the number of people showing up.

So the change is that we will have the social at the same place as the bug bash starting around 7:30 PM. There will be food and drinks. All people slightly interested in OpenACS and/or .LRN are welcome.


It is a 5 minute walk from the Davis Red Line T stop. It is the left door on the first floor.


What is the parking situation around 15 Claremon Street in Somerville?


Re: Parking
Claremon is permit parking only, so anyone coming with a car needs to drive around and look for a spot and walk from there. Only ~50% of Somerville is permit parking only. If you have a problem we might be able to squeeze you into the driveway. Call this number if you need help with parking or getting to the bug bash: 617-308-1051