In University of Valencia we are testing the new .LRN:
-OpenACS 5.5
-.LRN 2.5.0d2
-Postgresql 8.4 beta 2
Installation is Ok only with some small problems:
-We need the package views (I have seen i other thread that it is resolved)
-We need to set the compatibility options in postgresql.conf
add_missing_from = on
regex_flavor = extended
default_with_oids = on
escape_string_warning = off
backslash_quote = on
-One xowiki error:
Error: Error sourcing /var/lib/aolserver/oacs_5_5/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl:
Cannot resolve 'self', probably called outside the context of an XOTcl Object
while executing
"my set age [list [expr {3600*24*365}] year years [expr {3600*24*30}] month months [expr {3600*24*7}] week weeks [expr {3600*24}] day days ..."
("eval" body line 2)
invoked from within
"::xo::Module ::xowiki::utility -eval {
my set age \
[list \
[expr {3600*24*365}] year years \
[expr {3600*24*30}] month..."
(file "/var/lib/aolserver/oacs_5_5/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl" line 248)
invoked from within
"source $__file "