I'm testing OpenACS on postgresql 8.2.11 in my spare time. As I'm working at UNED, maybe I can ask my boss to test on a Oracle instance.
Looking into more detail my automated tests results... the main problem is about something called "msgcat 1.4"
You are right that acs-authentication fails if you're not using external authentication, for instance..
- auth::password::recover_password proc FAILED: status ok Affirm FAILED, actual = "failed_to_connect", expected = "ok"
- auth::password::retrieve proc FAILED: retrieve pwd from local auth Affirm FAILED, actual = "failed_to_connect", expected = "ok"
I've got another test fail, that now is magically fixed (by itself?) just re-running the test cases, the previous to last one pass said: FAILED: Number of problems Affirm FAILED, actual = "6", expected = "0". Anyway, no bother about that.
About acs-content-repository/tcl/test/content-search-procs.tcl
, the problem is:
cr_item_search_triggers (body 0): Error during execution: Setup failed with error can't find package msgcat 1.4
can't find package msgcat 1.4
while executing
"package require msgcat 1.4"
- util::age_pretty proc FAILED: can't find package msgcat 1.4
- Test case datamodel__named_constraints...
- FAILED: Table pg_ts_cfg constraint pg_ts_cfg_pkey (pk) violates naming standard (hint: pg_ts_cfg_ts_name_pk)
- FAILED: Table pg_ts_cfgmap constraint pg_ts_cfgmap_pkey (pk) violates naming standard (hint: pg_ts_cfgmap_pk)
- FAILED: Table pg_ts_dict constraint pg_ts_dict_pkey (pk) violates naming standard (hint: pg_ts_dict_dict_name_pk)
- FAILED: Table pg_ts_parser constraint pg_ts_parser_pkey (pk) violates naming standard (hint: pg_ts_parser_prs_name_pk)
- sql_date test sql date transform FAILED: can't find package msgcat 1.4