I followed the installation instructions according to Jonathan Marsden's step-by-step instructions from
http://www.xc.org/jonathan/openacs/openacs4-rpm-based-install.html on a German Red Hat Linux 8.0 system with the following differences to his setup:
- I used RHL 8.0 instead of RHL 7.1.
- I was not starting from a "clean machine", whatever
this is supposed to mean.
- Jonathan suggests to recompile the XML Libraries from
the SRPMS provided by XMLsoft which i didn't.
- I also used the more up-to-date releases from lixml2
and lixslt which were installed on my system.
Some comments on my experiences:
<blockquote> Start from a clean machine
In this case I used a testing machine (SMP, 2x AMD Athlon 1900), runing several (other) services. The suggestion from Jonathan *does* make sense, but he doesn't define what kind of installation is "clean". Stopping Postgresql and removing all related packages should IMHO do the job (?).
<blockquote> Installing Postgresql 7.1.3
[root@lx OpenACS]# /sbin/service postgresql stop
Results in:
postgresql-Dienst stoppen: [ OK ]
[root@lx OpenACS]# /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/
[root@lx OpenACS]# rpm -e `rpm -qa |grep ^postgresql`
Gives several errors:
Fehler: Failed dependencies:
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) perl-DBD-Pg-1.13-5
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) xemacs-21.4.8-16
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) libdbi-dbd-pgsql-0.6.5-2
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) mod_auth_pgsql-0.9.12-11
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) php-pgsql-4.2.2-8.0.5
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) qt-PostgreSQL-3.0.5-17
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) bonddb-0.6.1-1
libpq.so.2 is needed by (installed) gda-postgres-0.8.199-1
libpq.so.2.0 is needed by (installed) snort-1.6-1
libpq.so is needed by (installed) bonddb-0.6.1-1
postgresql-libs is needed by (installed) php-pgsql-4.2.2-8.0.5
These packages (and several sub-dependencies) had to be removed so the system *should* be clean (?).
rpm -Uvh postgresql-libs-7.1.3-1PGDG.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh postgresql-7.1.3-1PGDG
rpm -Uvh postgresql-server-7.1.3-1PGDG
All OK.
<blockquote> Installing XML Libraries from ftp://ftp.xmlsoft.org/
I had the following versions installed:
[root@lx OpenACS]# rpm -qa | grep libxml
[root@lx OpenACS]# rpm -qa | grep libxslt
However, I did not recompile the SRPMs as advised by Jonathan.
<blockquote> Installing AOLserver
rpm -Uvh aolserver-3.3.1-2+ad13.i386.rpm
<blockquote> Installing the AOLserver PG driver and nsxml modules
rpm -Uvh aolserver-postgresql*.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh aolserver-nsxml-3.3.1-2+ad13.i386.rpm
This results in:
[root@lx OpenACS]# rpm -Uvh aolserver-nsxml-3.3.1-2+ad13.i386.rpm
Preparing... ############################### [100%]
Warnung: user jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: group jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: user jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: group jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: user jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: group jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: user jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: group jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: user jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: group jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: user jonathan does not exist - using root
Warnung: group jonathan does not exist - using root
1:aolserver-nsxml ############################### [100%]
Whatever this means. Maybe it's necessary to create the user and group "jonathan"?
<blockquote> Obtaining and Installing OpenACS 4 itself
rpm -Uvh openacs-4.2-alpha.20020114.noarch.rpm
This results in:
[root@lx OpenACS]# rpm -Uvh openacs-4.2-alpha.20020114.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ############################### [100%]
1:openacs ############################### [100%]
Datenbank initialisieren: [ OK ]
Starting postgresql service: [ OK ]
ERROR: Unable to start postgresql service, cannot install ACS data model
Fehler: %post(openacs-4.2-alpha.20020114) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Here seems to be a major problem, either with the RPMs and RHL 8.0 or with my (slightly different) system.
I checked with the docs (https://openacs.org/doc/operating-system.html etc.) to
see if I could fix this manually. According to them, the following locations are used by OpenACS:
"We'll compile stuff in /usr/local/src
PostgreSQL will go into /usr/local/pgsql
AOLServer will go into /usr/local/aolserver
The web root will go into /web"
None of these directories, exept from /usr/local/src, were created on my installation so far.
According to https://openacs.org/doc/postgres.html there should be a user
'postgres' (exists, but home is /var/bin/pgsql instead of /usr/local/pgsql), and a group 'web' (doesn't exist).
At this point I stopped following the errors since the problems seem to go
Note: the RPM is quite outdated; as of this writing, current release is 4.5.
/sbin/service aolserver start
Results in:
Starting aolserver: [ OK ]
sleep 15 # Wait for AOLserver + OpenACS to initialize
lynx http://`hostname`:8000
Gives me the following page:
"OpenACS Installation: Error
The following database pools generated errors:
OpenACS could not allocate a handle from database
pool "subquery".
Goting to
gives me the following page:
"OpenACS Installation: Installing OpenACS Core Services"
followed by a <hr>, the rest of the page is empty.
Until this is examined further I'd suggest *not* to use the old RPMs on a more recent Red Hat installation.
Are there other experiences with more receant RHL versions and OpenACS out there?
Greetings, -Agon