I recently rebuilt my linux server and before doing that I backed up all the OpenACS stuff. I restore the whole thing following the instructions on this link:
Now, when I start the service all seem to go fine until it gets to this line:
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Notice: Executing initialization code block procs_register in /var/lib/aolserver/luisegarcia/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/4.0.10 running
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Notice: nsmain: security info: uid=-1, euid=-1, gid=1002, egid=1002
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3075296176][-sched-] Notice: sched: starting
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3032079280][-driver-] Notice: starting
[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3032079280][-driver-] Notice: driver: accepting connections
According to this: "Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied" it seems that I have a permission problem somewhere. Any ideas?
PS: before anyone says that the problem is the ip ( my VPN forwards all the requests to that IP, which is where my server lives, and yes it works fine there, I already tested it.