Forum OpenACS Q&A: Error during server start

Posted by Luis Garcia on

I recently rebuilt my linux server and before doing that I backed up all the OpenACS stuff. I restore the whole thing following the instructions on this link:

Now, when I start the service all seem to go fine until it gets to this line:

. . .

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Notice: Executing initialization code block procs_register in /var/lib/aolserver/luisegarcia/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/4.0.10 running

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Notice: nsmain: security info: uid=-1, euid=-1, gid=1002, egid=1002

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3075296176][-sched-] Notice: sched: starting

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3084367552][-main-] Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3032079280][-driver-] Notice: starting

[07/Jun/2005:08:12:36][18675.3032079280][-driver-] Notice: driver: accepting connections

According to this: "Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied" it seems that I have a permission problem somewhere. Any ideas?


PS: before anyone says that the problem is the ip ( my VPN forwards all the requests to that IP, which is where my server lives, and yes it works fine there, I already tested it.

Posted by Nick Carroll on
You need to start openacs up as root if you are to run it on port 80.

Also you need to add the -b youraddress:yourport to the nsd command.


Posted by Luis Garcia on

Thanks! Well, I was doing all that. But the problem was a typo in the instruction I was passing to daemontools.

thanks again!