I saw a few strange things and behaviour, and I would like some explanation about it if you can provide me some (this is about last stable tarball 2.1.1) ?
Database :
1) I've seen in the database a few tables with "test" names (aa_test_*) and they are empty. Obviously they were used for some testing 😊 Shouldn't they be removed from a stable release ?
2) I don't understand the data model where you create an object in a table (acs_objects) and then create the same object in another table (portals, portal_pages in what I'm concerned about). What I read (and what teachers taught my girlfriend) is that redundancy is always a bad idea in a database, so as I am not an expert at all in the database world, I was wondering what are the reasons for such a choice ?
Behaviour :
3) Yesterday I added one user to my server (running on my laptop just for developping purposes) and when I logged out from the admin account I saw that there were still one member online. As I am the only user, I was wondering this could be ? 😊 Although I ay understand this is not a big gotcha )
4) So I created the user account : first there was an error (because I created a few objects by hand, so that it violates a primary key constraint), but then the user appeared twice in the list of membership to proceed ?
5) So I removed my odd stuff, deleted the 2 users, and added my user. Then I realised that my user (when he is in my opinion a member, as I created him an account) was always redirected to a url with "non-member" in it. Did I do something wrong ?
6) The user creation : When I go to the dotlrn site-wide admin > users, I have 2 fields : search and add a new user. I have not been able to understand what "add a user" did, as the button is "search" and there is a link above to add a new user ? When I enter a name in it, the result is : " The results of your search are:" and nothing below. And no user is created of course ....
Any help would be appreciated ! 😊