Hi Derick,
Finally I have tested imsld from HEAD and ran into a few problems that I have fixed and committed (http://fisheye.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS/openacs-4/packages/imsld):
- free DOM trees only just before returning from the proc not earlier. The thing is that if the temporary tree is deleted, any node associated to it will be deleted too, even if they are referencied from another tree (looks like a flaw in tDOM).
- move old after_upgrade (imsld-install-procs) into the new one (apm-callback-procs) to avoid confusion.
- apply show/hide directive recursively on activity structures. Even if activity structure has no isvisible attribute, the model does allow show/hide operations on them (see conditions). The trick I used is to hide the children of the structure recursively and not to show the structure node in the activity tree if none of its children is visible.
I have tested with dotLRN 2.5 also and since it works well I have tagged it as "dotlrn-2-5-compat" to be able to retrieve a snapshot at any time.