Agreeing with Don a Rehash is in order!
Torben made a very good point when he divided the audience as:
1. students(end-users) 2. instruction/presentation(users) 3. administration/management(admins) 4. developers
I am totally in favor of a dotLRN Central to serve the needs of groups 1 to 3.I've received several offers of help and would love more for developing content for a non-developer site. Please continue to send suggestions and contributions. This will be a group effort, but I'm happy to help coordinate it and Sloan is happy to host it.
For group 4 I like the vision I am seeing in the community of dotLRN/dotWRK as marketing verticals of OACS. There is much work that needs to be done to make that a reality but I would much rather see a reorganization of to make it more user friendly to developers in all verticals then see a split for dotLRN.