Hi all,
We are happy to announce from Telefónica I+D that we have made a new relase of the user-tracking package correcting some bugs that we detected while we did not have acces to the CVS.
We have developed an user-tracking tool for dotLRN. We were talking about it in this thread sometime ago:
User-tracking tool is made up of three packages: user-tracking, user-tracking-portlet and dotlrn-user-tracking. It has been developed for PostgreSQL and all packages are i18n.
You can also see a document with information about our implemented package in the following url:
At the end of the document you can see how can you solve some common problems with the installation of the package.
A filter is needed (and included in the tool) in order to append user and communities ids in log files so it’s necessary to comment the "extendedheaders" line in config.tcl and add the above within the section "ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nslog"
#ns_param extendedheaders COOKIE
ns_param extendedheaders X-User-Id
Once installed, you have to stop your server, save the old log files out of the log dir, and start the server again.
We are willing to improve the tool so, feedback is more than welcome.