Forum OpenACS Development: Re: XoWiki Issue with ]po[ on OpenACS 5.6

Posted by Frank Bergmann on

Hi Gustaf,

Thanks for your reply. I changed the config.tcl file to the one provided with OpenACS 5.6 and now the interpreter issue is gone, thanks!

However, we've got another issue now with XoWiki:

Cannot create object -- illegal name '::'
    ::xowiki::Object ::xotcl::Class->create
    invoked from within
"::xowiki::Object create ::$folder_id"
    (procedure "require_folder_object" line 33)
    ::52670 ::xowiki::Package->require_folder_object
    invoked from within
"my require_folder_object"

I've already seen your answer to a previous questions on that and I have run ::xowiki::fix_all_package_ids here, but without success. There are still cr_revisions without package_id here.

The system I'm running on has been recently upgraded from OpenACS 5.1 (as all of our ~3.000 customers will have to upgrade their system...). So maybe the XoWiki behaviour is due to an upgrading issue? The Content Repository had some upgrade flaws anyway, Malte has written about that previously here.

Here are my preliminary findings about fix_all_package_ids:

  • ::xowiki::Package instances returns only the "xowiki" package
  • There are no cr_folder with name 'xowiki: xxx' (see below).

I can provide you with SSH credentials if you want to take a closer view...

Thanks in advance!

po40demo=# select f.*, from cr_items c, cr_folders f where c.item_id = f.folder_id;
 folder_id |    label     |               description                | has_child_folders | has_child_symlinks | package_id |        name
      -200 | Templates    | Templates which render the pages go here | f                 | f                  |            | templates
     51569 | Email_Images |                                          | f                 | f                  |            | Email_Images
     11968 | Wiki Folder  |                                          | f                 | f                  |      11967 | 11967
     25892 |              |                                          | f                 | f                  |      25884 | bug_tracker_25884
      -400 | Trash        | Deleted content items get put here       | f                 | f                  |            | trash
      -100 | Pages        | Site pages go here                       | t                 | f                  |            | pages
     52526 | File Storage |                                          | f                 | f                  |      52511 | file-storage_52511
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Frank, i don't believe you that changing the config-file lead to a problem with xowiki.

anyhow, what version of xowiki/xotcl-core are you using?
the recent versions of require_folder_object look quite different.

Posted by Frank Bergmann on
Hi Gustaf,

changing the config file

That is right, the problem existed already before changing the config file.

In my development server I am using the versions:

xotcl-core: 0.117
xowiki: 0.118

I got these versions by checking out the OpenACS 5.6 tree...


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
No, you did not get these versions by checking out the OpenACS 5.6 tree.

i am this week completely booked out, so i have no chance to look deeper into your problem. But still, i am wondering: is this a fresh installation? You seem to have very few folders and in particular, no xowiki folders. Is this correct? It looks to me as if xowiki tries to create a new folder but fails for some reason.