Thanks for your time and effort, Torbin. My needs are pretty simple, people buy, an object is created, so I'm not going to wait for ec2.
To all: I'm still looking for something general I can apply to any package or table, that looks like:
- an insert or update trigger identifies the insert or update, such that a list of ID column values, is seen in a plpgsql trigger func
- this list of IDs and an indication of what happened about them (insert? or update?) made available thru a tcl callback
and the way I would apply that, is an insert trigger on ec_items for a specific product_id would cause an object in my app, an object completely independent from ecommerce -- once created, access to pages in my app are granted according to terms stored in the object.
Right now the (sub)problem I want to solve is how I can get an indication when a product of a specific type is pu8rchased, either in a tcl func or a db stored proc.