Forum OpenACS Q&A: Want to make a new callback registry, details below...

I'm trying to work with the old original ecommerce, and I want to add a callback which fires when a new item is purchased, and be able to register a callback that happens when a specific kind of item is purchased.

The item type could be numeric (as in, an object ID to a description of the item) or a string... and either of these would be a parameter to the callback register proc.

How is this normally done? Is there an example of this kind of thing I could pick apart?


Hi Jim,

ecommerce calls the payment-gateway service when an order is made. The payment-gateway interfaces with the specific gateway packages.

Depending on your trigger strategy, take a look at ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-scheduled-procs.tcl or ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-credit-procs.tcl



Posted by Jim Lynch on
Heya Torbin,

What I need to have happen is a specific objeect is created, called a certivicate...

on my side (of the app authorship), the cert grants usage permission to certain pages for a length of time specified in the cert, and would be specified when the ec_item is sold.

Posted by Jim Lynch on
so when a cert is sold, some info needs to be fed to the object creation, which is... the account id (my object), the start and end time and (possibly) the part of the "receipt" from ecommerce that refers to the specific item sold.

From what I understand of ecommerce, it takes care of the payment side and possibly causes stuff to be shipped. For my case, instead of shipping something, all I need is for it to create an object.


Hi Jim,

I'm fairly certain ecommerce has the basis of this use-case built in.

Each product is assigned shippable_p. 0 means item is a service or downloadable item.

Each item purchased is assigned a unique id in ec_items. For example, if quantity 5 of an item is purchased, there will be 5 items created in ec_items.

Parameter CartMaxToAdd sets the upper limit for quantities added to the shopping basket --helps prevent service interruptions when a large quantity is added to a cart.

A simplified case should be possible without assigning a certificate, given ec_items id mapping and custom attributes handled via ec_custom_product_fields and ec_custom_product_fields_values. If the certificate number is important, look at adding the package ec-serial-numbers which assigns and tracks serial numbers to specific items in an order --I don't have any experience with ec-serial-numbers.



Posted by Jim Lynch on
Heya Torbin,

I ended up making these cert things as part of my app, and they're tested: they allow access starting at a certain timestamp, and begin denying access at another. Works great, getting ecommerce to create the cert is the last step.

I feel I have a coupla choices, one, is I would add code specific to my app that just creates the cert... the problems here being that nothing else could benefit,

The other choice would be a more general solution as outlined in my original message, the only problem I see is I don't know yet how to do it.

First cut on my thoughts on it... two levels of callbacks, one fires any time an ec_item is created, and that in turn fires a callback to "clients" who register for a specific type of ec_item (maybe product id?), then I register as a client of the second callback for the type of item represented by my app.

Bottom line: I need for ecommerce to create the cert object.


Hi Jim,

Take a look at the ecommerce doc page: /doc/ecommerce/ecommerce-operation

There are multiple ways to handle this.

I wouldn't worry too much about a general solution. Ecommerce package is very much web 1.0 technology. A new version is in development --been going on what.. 10 years now? Anyway.. when it's beta, a message will be posted in the forum here. cheers!

Posted by Jim Lynch on
Thanks for your time and effort, Torbin. My needs are pretty simple, people buy, an object is created, so I'm not going to wait for ec2.

To all: I'm still looking for something general I can apply to any package or table, that looks like:

- an insert or update trigger identifies the insert or update, such that a list of ID column values, is seen in a plpgsql trigger func

- this list of IDs and an indication of what happened about them (insert? or update?) made available thru a tcl callback

and the way I would apply that, is an insert trigger on ec_items for a specific product_id would cause an object in my app, an object completely independent from ecommerce -- once created, access to pages in my app are granted according to terms stored in the object.

Right now the (sub)problem I want to solve is how I can get an indication when a product of a specific type is pu8rchased, either in a tcl func or a db stored proc.

Hello Jim,

ec_update_state_to_authorized updates ec_items on a newly authorized order, so that shippable items are to_be_shipped.

At the same time, one could query the order for ec_items where shippable_p == 'f', and mark some independent lookup table that the object ID is readable for the user of the order_id for N units of time (or time_expires).

No callbacks are needed.

Callbacks are indicated when the user is waiting for a displayed response, and a procedure takes an unspecified amount of time (usually seconds or more).

ec_update_state_to_authorized is executed as a scheduled procedure, so a callback is unnecessary.

Using this proc means that the credit card has been processed for nonshippable items, so it's time to provide access via procs called from it.

A schema might be defined with these minimums:

table my_app_user_certificate_map

table my_app_certificates

The object_id could be a subsite, a content_item etc

The particulars would be handled by your custom procs.

best wishes,

Posted by Jim Lynch on
hey there *...

Ben, I have the table you;re talking about when you say my_app_certificates. I was thinking that ecommerce could make one (by whatever mechanism) when an ec_item of the appropriate kind becomes shippable, and I thought what you're calling my_app_certificates.object_id could point at the ec_item.

The reason I wanted to do it as a callback, is so that my app-specific code would not go into ecommerce, what would go there is a callback setup so that anyone who wants to could run custom code that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with user interface and that is triggered by the purchase of a specific item. Such custom code would register itself with a proc I write, one of its parameters being the ec_item type. Then, when an item of that type is sold, the callback would fire.


Posted by Jim Lynch on
One more thing about the schema... the mapping table is present, and I implemented the mapping a little differently, such that all one has to do is create the cert, and as long as the current time is within the cert timeframe, access is granted.


Hi Jim,

There are a bunch of custom features in the ecommerce package. Basically, if a feature is unimplemented, the code does not trigger any related activity.

Creating a callback might be a practice that works for other locations.

For ecommerce, you might find it more consistent to just add the code and have it not trigger when the feature is unimplemented --consistent with existing code strategy.

Each product_id is an acs object_id, so a product_id / certificate map table should be all that is needed to create triggering code.

If you want to integrate the code further, you could create a product_category_id for the certificates and identify the category_id via a parameter or something.. again, where the code doesn't trigger activity if the feature is not implemented for a particular installation.

Anyway, I'm confident you (will) have something that works well.

