Hi Ryan,
1. is this XOTcl solution available for oacs 5.1.4 ?
A: Yes, XOTcl is available for oacs 5.1.4. Chat package requires xotcl-core 0.33 and on my tests work on this oacs version.
2. Does it display chat messages instantly, or does it refresh the page like html chat?
A: Yes, the AJAX interface instantly refresh the messages on clients browsers.
3. Are there good docs out there to install xotcl?
Gustaf Neumann has posted a link to documentation http://media.wu-wien.ac.at/download/README-xotcl-core.
To make chat package work without dotlrn, you need comment some lines on /chat/www/room-new-2.tcl
#set comm_id [dotlrn_community::get_community_id]
#if {$comm_id ne ""} {
# chat_user_grant $room_id [dotlrn_community::get_community_id]
#} else {
#-2 Registered Users
#chat_user_grant $room_id -2
#0 Unregistered Visitor
#chat_user_grant $room_id 0
#-1 The Public
chat_user_grant $room_id -1