I hope I've recovered well enough from a few dizzy spells from looking at kernel code to be coherent...
It seems that when ad_conn has info for ip_address and user, that parameter::set_value should pass the ip_address and user_id to apm__set_value, which would then perform acs_object__update_last_modified just prior to PERFORM apm__set_value(int4,int4,varchar)
..and then, have a trigger/table setup like this:
create table apm_parameter_values_audit (
value_id integer,
package_id integer,
parameter_id integer,
-- This column holds the value for the instance parameter.
attr_value_was text,
last_modified timestamptz default current_timestamp not null,
-- get following 2 values from acs_objects table
modifying_user integer,
modifying_ip varchar(50)
create or replace function apm_parameter_values_audit_tr ()
returns opaque as '
v_attr_value text;
v_parameter_name varchar(100);
v_last_modified timestamptz;
v_creation_date timestamptz;
v_last_modifying_user integer;
v_modified_ip_address varchar(50);
select into v_last_modified last_modified from acs_objects where object_id = old.value_id;
select into v_last_modifying_user modifying_user from acs_objects where object_id = old.value_id;
select into v_modified_ip_address modifying_ip from acs_objects where object_id = old.value_id;
select into v_parameter_name parameter_name from apm_parameters where parameter_id = old.parameter_id;
v_attr_value := old.attr_value;
IF (v_parameter_name = ''froogle_password'' ) THEN
v_attr_value := ''value expunged'';
-- check if modified from system instead of UI
IF ( v_last_modifying_user IS NULL ) THEN
IF (v_last_modified IS NULL ) THEN
-- logging original parameter setting
select into v_creation_date creation_date from acs_objects where object_id = old.value_id;
insert into apm_parameter_values_audit (
value_id, package_id, parameter_id, attr_value_was, creation_date
) values (
old.value_id, old.package_id, old.parameter_id, v_attr_value, v_creation_date
insert into apm_parameter_values_audit (
value_id, package_id, parameter_id, attr_value_was, last_modified
) values (
old.value_id, old.package_id, old.parameter_id, v_attr_value, v_last_modified
insert into apm_parameter_values_audit (
value_id, package_id, parameter_id, attr_value_was, last_modified,modifying_user, modifying_ip
) values (
old.value_id, old.package_id, old.parameter_id, v_attr_value, v_last_modified, v_last_modifying_user, v_modified_ip_address
return new;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger apm_parameter_values_audit_tr
before update or delete on apm_parameter_values
for each row execute procedure apm_parameter_values_audit_tr ();
Is there a simpler way to log parameter changes to a table (assuming that this way will even work)?
Please let me know if I'm going in the right direction, as logging of parameter changes will be added to the kernel in one for or another soon.
Thanks in advance,