Forum OpenACS Development: Re: How to get gzip/brotli transfer compression working?

Posted by Gaven Eogan on
Thanks Maurizio... I will be trying this out today to see if it works... we will still need to do a custom version of this for our system though... can't use your default build in our product.
Yes it may not speed it up much, but its better than none I think and is really an industry standard to to transfer compression of HTML and other easily compressible formats.

ps. the "no zlib support built in" message is something Gustaf added in later source version as he mentioned above. It is probably not in the source you used.

The version built by Maurizio is based on the source code of "31st of October 2019" (he takes always the tip version of NaviServer).

A few sentences above confuse me: Why can't you use the version of Maurizio in your product? You are mentioning a "custom built" the first time: How did you usually build the custom version in your product in the past? Why not redoing your custom build process with recent versions of NaviServer?

Posted by Gaven Eogan on
At the time there were a few bugs we needed that were not in the standard version so we had to fix them in custom version. I think at the time the log rolling was not working. Not sure what else. I wasn't involved in this part of system at that time. There was also other things added. We worked with Maurizio who gave us the build environment. I heard that we didn't need to do a newer build as there were not many changes. But now we do (need to update a lot of things). Yes we will be rebuilding latest version into our own custom (if still needed - have to check this)
Dear Gaven,
1. As Gustaf already mentioned, I always include in my distribution the tip version the Naviserver.
2. I would not have written what I wrote without having first checked that the statement printing "no zlib support built in" is indeed in the codebase.

Best regards,

Dear all,
this is just to mention that brotli executable is now (from version 4.5.1) included in my distribution.
Thank you,
Posted by Gaven Eogan on
I managed to get dynamic compression (ADP/TCL HTML pages) working using the latest version of your Naviserver on our system.
To do this I had to remove one piece of custom code from our code to get it to startup without error.
I also had to remove the section of config that enabled SSL (module/nsssl). We normally run systems with NSSSL enabled.
If I don't do this, I get error during startup:

"Warning: modules nsssl requires a version of NaviServer built with OpenSSL"
Error: modload: c:/naviserver/bin/nsssl.dll: Ns_ModuleInit returned:
Fatal: modload: failed to load module 'c:/naviserver/bin/nsssl.dl

Is there some reason why your version of Naviserver does not have OpenSSL enabled?

Also I can't static compression to do anything even though it is turned on (turning on settings in Fastpath section to enable Brotli or gzip)

ns_param gzip_static true ;# check for static gzip; default: false
ns_param gzip_refresh true ;# refresh stale .gz files on the fly using ::ns_gzipfile
ns_param gzip_cmd "c:/naviserver/bin/gzip -9" ;# use for re-compressing

ns_param brotli_static true ;# check for static brotli files; default: false
ns_param brotli_refresh true ;# refresh stale .br files on the fly using ::ns_brotlifile
ns_param brotli_cmd "c:/naviserver/bin/brotli -f -Z" ;# use for re-compressing

Unless i am doing something wrong... none of the CSS/JS files are ever compressed on server and sent to browser.

I really don't understand why there are so many problems and things not working with your version of Naviserver. Are they all intentionally removed?

Dear Gaven,
1. NSSL support is not turned on by default. You can adjust the configuration in the provided solution file to turn it on.
2. I never used the compression before. The testing is all up to you (did you verify on the first place that commands like "c:/naviserver/bin/brotli" actually work in your environment? did you verify if you have to use the *.exe extension?)
You get something for free, you want it to exactly meet your requirements and then you complain if it doesn't...
😊 😊 😊
In version 4.5.2 I believe I have activated the NSSL support, but for the compression part you're on your own...

Thank you,