I took a quick glance at the jboss spec. It is much closer to what I think is needed.
Some questions:
1. How many css files do we really need (right now with xowiki there are 7 included. We should be able to cut that back.
2. Should there be a real theme package with a default theme. That would allow a database or file based approach to theming (I prefer db based as it is easier to put an admin interface).
3. Will this require a tip?
4. Can the templates be cut back from the normal 3 to just 1.
5. Can we please for once and for all get rid of the dependencies like:
<if @curriculum_bar_p@ true>
<p><include src="/packages/curriculum/lib/bar" />
and <if @dotlrn_toolbar_p@ true>
<include src="/packages/dotlrn/lib/toolbar">
<if @developer_support_p@ true>
<include src="/packages/acs-developer-support/lib/toolbar">
It probably isn't a big deal, but it sure is ugly and designers don't like it.
6. We should be able to inject into a theme through an admin interface. Things like google analytics and html_area or whatever through a hook.
7. There should be an interface to edit/preview "themes". Many apps already do this (wordpress, zen-cart & etc.)
These are my quick thoughts, please comment and let