In the past few weeks, you've probably noticed the obvious silence from me and other members of the OpenForce team. We've been struggling hard, and today this struggle comes to an end: OpenForce is shutting down.
I want to thank Gerald, Josh, Arjun, Yon, and Eric (in order of start date) for making OpenForce an amazing place and for contributing in incredible and numerous ways to the OpenACS world and more generally to the open-source world. I want to thank Roberto and Dan Chak who interned for us. I want to thank the clients who stuck with us and trusted us even back when "free software" was just another synonym for "poor software" in the business mind. I've learned a lot from all, and OpenForce wouldn't be the same without them.
And so we come to practical matters: OpenForce can only continue hosting the OpenACS site for so long. We will donate the existing machine (including the new RAM) that runs and to whomever the community leadership chooses. This must happen at the very latest by April 15th: sadly we cannot afford to keep our hosting going past that date.
I wish everyone, volunteers and OpenACS companies alike, the very best in all current and future endeavors. I hope OpenForce's contributions to the community will live on in useful ways. The beauty of free software is that the creation or passing of a single company has little impact on the long-term viability of the platform.