Please see below the enhancements. To whom should we send the eCommerce enhanced?
In addition to credit card payment, money transfer to the shop owners bank account is possible.
Information about the bank account to receive customer payments must be defined (/shop/admin/bank-accounts/edit) and is stored in table ec_bank_accounts.
Payment information, i.e. bank account and the billing address, is stored in table ec_bank_transfers for each order payable by transfer to bank account.
Bank transfers can be enabled using this package parameter:
* BankTransferP: 1
Payment authorization user interface for bank transfers
Since there is no automatic payment gateway for authorization of bank transfers, orders payable using transfers to the shop owners bank account must be authorized manually for shipment (/shop/authorize) after payment has been received at the specified bank account.
This user interface requires the
permission for the user at the package level.
Optional secure connection
For configurations where the E-Commerce package is installed behind a reverse proxy, secured communication (HTTPS) between these systems is not a requirement as communication between both takes place in a secure environment.
Until now HTTPS was required for shopping cart checkout, e.g. credit card information.
To disable secure communication between the reverse proxy and the E-Commerce shop, define the package parameters as follows:
* RequireSecureConnectionP: 0
* InsecureLocation: http://aolserver-host[:port]
* SecureLocation: http://aolserver-host[:port]
Any further configuration steps for secured communication with users must take place on the reverse proxy system.