i'm currently looking into xmlrpc-enabled blogging apis such as blogger-api or, more modern, metaweblog-api [1] and would very much like to incorporate that functionality into openacs in general and lars-blogger in particular.
being very new to oacs development i would hereby like to request comments and 'pointers in the right direction' from the oacs community.
how would one go about such an undertaking?
- create a metaweblog-package? (i understand, that oacs-core already incorporates the xmlrpc api)
- how would i incorporate the functionality into lars-blogger without breaking lars's work and without keeping the benefits of my work to myself?
i read in carl garlands 'march madness' thread[2], that he already has incorporated the blogger-api into www.23pools.com. perhaps there's something to learn?
any input would be appreciated, thanks!
[1] http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogApi
[2] https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=87220