Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: blogger-api support for lars-blogger et. al.?

Posted by Simon Carstensen on
Awesome, Tom!

how would i incorporate the functionality into lars-blogger without breaking lars's work and without keeping the benefits of my work to myself?

It should be pretty easy. Since you add an entry by calling the proc lars_blog_entry_add, all you need to do is make ns_xmlrpc work (the code is a bit old and last time I used it I found a few bugs, as far as I remember), register lars_blog_entry_add (i.e. xmlrpc_register_proc lars_blog_entry_add) and everything should be up and running. Now you just need to make it work out the box!

I guess you'll have to build an xmlrpc-support package if you don't want to keep the benefits of your work to yourself. It should be a formality, though, since you have the code living in ns_xml-rpc already.
