I would like to initiate a discussion on future dotlrn releases.
On the one hand, we need to deprecate some:
- homework vs. vienna homework
- curriculum
- syllabus
We need to compare similar packages:
- evaluation vs. vienna gradebook
- wimpypoint, edit-this-page, webblogger vs. xowiki
Also maybe dotLRN should come out of the box supporting
but in a repository kind of pattern like lors-central where there is a central repository and the items are referenced in communities.
dotLRN needs to move from departments, subjects, classes and communities to a dotlrn-catalog kind of structure where we only have communities that are linked to categories with the option to manage categories and communities either within dotLRN or by integrating with an external system maybe via webservices and IMS Enterprise.
For this communities should move towards subsites. This would also allow providing each site with its own web pages (wiki). This would help departments to use dotLRN as the central learning and content management system.
Give this structure it would be a question of customization to provide a system called dotLRN for educational institutions and dotWork for companies with different standard modules mounted automatically for each subsite.
Just a vision :)