Forum: OpenACS Development

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Virtual Servers

Ryan Gallimore 0 11/06/06 06:53 PM 11/06/06 06:53 PM

Virtual server installation at

Gustaf Neumann 2 08/06/20 09:26 PM 08/07/20 01:26 PM

Virtual OpenACS hosting ?

Jerry Asher 3 07/10/01 11:39 AM 07/10/01 06:41 PM

Virtual hosting with AS4 and OpenACS 5

xx xx 6 06/07/04 05:46 PM 07/05/04 10:32 PM

virtual classroom based on OpenACS and dotLRN

0 12/23/02 08:55 PM 12/23/02 08:55 PM

VIM (or gvim) Syntax highlighting file for .adp files

Mark Aufflick 5 05/30/02 10:30 AM 10/06/04 04:35 PM

View counting using views package

Dave Bauer 1 01/09/07 06:59 PM 01/09/07 07:10 PM

Vienna Universtiy of Economics hiring Openacs developers

Victor Guerra 0 02/23/09 02:39 PM 02/23/09 02:39 PM

Videos Package 0.1b

Brian Fenton 4 02/25/10 10:49 PM 02/26/10 11:59 AM

Very slow query

Barry Books 11 08/22/03 02:49 PM 08/26/03 12:24 PM

Very long pause in server startup after "code block procs_register" in acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl

Don Baccus 1 10/01/03 03:42 PM 10/02/03 12:26 AM

very annoying gotcha overloading functions in nspostgres...

russ m 2 10/19/04 06:26 AM 10/20/04 02:03 AM

Version numbering to avoid clash between HEAD and branches

Gustaf Neumann 2 10/23/08 11:59 AM 10/29/08 09:11 AM

Versioning and other details in package .info files

Peter Marklund 9 11/03/03 07:30 PM 11/11/03 10:55 AM

Version Compatibility Chart

Lamar Owen 3 05/11/03 01:13 AM 05/12/03 05:01 PM

verify a page's css references exist in the css?

Torben Brosten 0 12/21/07 08:46 PM 12/21/07 08:46 PM

Vendor branch of OpenACS using Git?

Andrew Piskorski 0 12/06/23 08:58 PM 12/06/23 08:58 PM

vDotLRN: BOXED Ubuntu 5.10 / Aolserver 4.0.10 / DotLRN 2.2.0a1 / XOTcl 1.3.9

Stefan Sobernig 8 12/13/05 11:40 PM 12/21/05 01:58 PM

Varnish HTTP Reverse Proxy for XoWiki on - Experiences and Remaining Issues

Jeff Rogers 5 06/23/12 05:04 PM 07/13/12 08:39 PM

various requests to xowiki/admin/list error with no last_modified

Torben Brosten 7 04/29/10 01:11 PM 04/30/10 01:32 PM

variables on pages adp, tcl and xql

Jim Lynch 2 07/20/10 05:15 AM 07/21/10 04:54 PM

variables in attributes for adp tags.

0 02/25/04 11:30 AM 02/25/04 11:30 AM

Variable number of elements in listbuilder

Brad Poulton 2 04/11/08 08:13 PM 04/11/08 10:57 PM

Variable number of elements in ad_form

Brad Poulton 3 05/06/08 07:04 PM 05/07/08 12:15 AM

Value of getlastmodified for a file obtained through WebDAV

Dave Bauer 1 10/11/07 10:31 AM 10/11/07 02:48 PM

Valid CSS

Gustaf Neumann 3 10/22/10 03:07 PM 10/23/10 06:00 PM

validating XML with tdom and tnc

Luis de la Fuente 2 06/23/06 12:34 PM 06/26/06 02:42 PM

Validating regular expression

Paul Owen 3 11/09/03 10:01 AM 11/09/03 05:31 PM

validating filenames

Trenton Cameron 1 07/15/03 02:16 AM 07/15/03 09:28 PM

validating filename

0 07/16/03 10:26 PM 07/16/03 10:26 PM