Okay, I found a solution for this: [ns_conn host] is somehow not working. Maybe a bug in aolserver?!
I integrated the proc ad_host from oacs 4.5 (/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-procs.tcl) into 3.2.5 and it works smoothly...
I still have one problem... Whenever ns_returnredirect is used from a subsite with an absolute location, aolserver serves "mysite.com/newlocation.tcl" instead of "subsite.mysite.com/newlocation.tcl"
An example:
I redirect /www/register.tcl directly to /www/register/user-new.tcl
a.) when I use "ns_returnredirect /register/user-new.tcl" on a subsite, aolserver redirects to
and not to
b.) but when I use "ns_returnredirect register/user-new.tcl" aolserver redirects correctly...
How could I solve this problem???
Please don't tell me that I have to change all absolute redirects...