Ben, Aldert,
as you know the OpenACS community is an open source community entirely made of volunteers. Each member contributes what time and skills he/she can. Specific topics move forward when someone feels compelled to take it upon themselves to work on it. Tasks remain open when no one steps forward.
The two of you express a need to improve the accessibility of OpenACS information. Both of you have experience running OpenACS based sites. I see an opportunity for OpenACS end-users like you to get more involved in the community. End-users could help organize the wealth of information embedded in the forums and publish it in more accessible form on the OpenACS site. For example, expand the Projects section (, make sure the information is search-able and help keep it up to date. Content management really, using the various OpenACS packages installed on the OpenACS site. You will gain valuable experience deploying OpenACS assisted by first rate developers who in turn receive your feedback.
My suggestion to end user who would like to help is to contact the team that developed the new OpenACS site ( Polyxena and Roberto Mello are your best bet when it comes to content authoring. Drop them a line, put forward your suggestions and see how you can get involved.
I personally would like to take this opportunity to let the team know that I'm available for bug fixing and design concepts.