I've finished the first full draft of my Installation Guide, written to consolidate and simplify documentation for new users. From the Introduction:
This is a complete set of instructions for setting up OpenACS 4.5, an "advanced toolkit for building scalable, community-oriented web applications." It is essentially the quick and dirty version of The Right Way. You will set up a complete OpenACS 4.5 development server on a RedHat 8.0 box with PostgreSQL 7.3, Qmail 1.03, ssl, full text search, source control, and automated backup. After setting up a development server, you will create a new "tutorial" package, use DocBook to document the requirements and design, and create an automatic test suite. You will then create a production server, deploy your work to production, back up the production server, erase the production server, restore everything, use an automated test to verify that the tutorial package works, add a "Hello World" note, and then find it with full text search.
The document is available at http://aufrecht.org/openacs-4.5-quick-guide/. If people find it useful, I would be happy for it to be added to the basic documentation and/or this site.