Search results for chat oacs

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  1. This week with OpenACS
    oacs-5-1 -d acs-bootstrap-installer openacs-4/packages/acs-booststrap-installer cvs -z3 -d export -r oacs-5-1 -d acs-lang openacs-4/packages/acs-lang export (or checkout) LORS, ASSESSMENT, CHAT
  2. OpenACS ripassa il suo italiano
    chat file-storage forums fs-portlet general-comments new-portal notifications oacs-dav openacs-bootstrap3
  3. Vote for the Goat!
    Friends, Romans, Countrymen... Hi all. As most of you are probably already aware, the AOLServer
  4. OpenACS Packages
    oacs (e.g categories, general comments, adp-includes). XoWiki combines aspects of wikis (ease of page-creation) with aspects of a content management system (revisions, re-usable items, multiple languages). Furthermore, XoWiki allows to define different
  5. A general-ratings package for OACS
    OACS hackers, newbies and veterans alike!!! it's a great place to learn about the system and to chat
  6. chat applications on openACS?
    oacs 4.6.1 with pgsql 7.2.3 -- I am willing to use earlier version of oacs however if I can run the chat
  7. Icons: let's do it
    I wrote a few months ago about icons in
  8. xowiki error using ns_eval
    OACS community could have such a question explains a lot. The XO thing is not Tcl. Tcl is pretty simple. This XO thing is beyond comprehension. XO, whatever it is, is a mystery. Dave
  9. Bad News
    chats on thursdays at 2PM EST (on AIM, chat 'aolserver'). If you have Linux, GAIM works well (I use it). AOLserver development is in the best shape it's been in years with the current
  10. Idea:Missing some interactivity using openacs.
    oacs main page) will do it. what do you think? Yves. Chat and IM with

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