Forum: OpenACS Development

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Towards OpenACS 5.8

Gustaf Neumann 13 08/20/13 05:50 PM 08/28/13 11:06 AM

One week of using naviserver on

Gustaf Neumann 7 08/14/13 08:06 PM 01/15/14 09:37 AM running on PostgreSQL 9.2, OpenACS 5.8, XOTcl 2.0, NaviServer

Gustaf Neumann 8 08/07/13 01:59 PM 09/14/13 04:38 PM

Error in Acs Object Management Form Params

twan arkink 4 06/28/13 03:18 AM 07/05/13 10:00 AM

Image grabbing

Torben Brosten 14 06/20/13 11:58 PM 06/24/13 06:13 AM

TCLFire - Show OpenACS Debbuging Information in the Browser Console

Brian Fenton 1 06/17/13 01:39 PM 06/17/13 03:40 PM

XOWIKI files CR links broken?

Gustaf Neumann 5 06/03/13 06:18 PM 06/08/13 10:02 AM

@cvs-id tag.

Gustaf Neumann 1 05/31/13 07:24 PM 05/31/13 07:39 PM

Connecting each OpenACS user to the respective PostgreSQL user

Don Baccus 3 05/15/13 09:59 AM 05/17/13 11:21 PM

openacs and tcl-8.6: success report

Jim Lynch 0 04/25/13 04:15 AM 04/25/13 04:15 AM

Tcl/XML parser problem

bikitha lee 6 04/10/13 01:06 PM 05/02/16 08:43 AM

Rewrite of the .sql files of acs-core and some commonly used packages

Gustaf Neumann 17 03/31/13 12:19 AM 05/29/13 07:45 AM

Invalid command name "ns_httpsget"

Gustaf Neumann 8 03/01/13 08:38 PM 10/31/14 06:20 PM

Problem Using AMS

Michael Steigman 8 03/01/13 06:27 PM 03/06/13 10:19 PM

xowiki javascript "function calc_image_tags_to_wiki_image_links" doesn't do what you'd expect...

Richard Hamilton 9 02/26/13 01:12 AM 03/01/13 02:33 AM

::xowiki::Form constraint parameter always false regardless of passed value

Richard Hamilton 4 02/22/13 12:21 AM 02/22/13 05:02 PM

Any comments is welcome!

Iuri Sampaio 0 02/16/13 02:30 AM 02/16/13 02:30 AM

Just noticed something strange happening with acs-templating if tags....

Gustaf Neumann 22 02/14/13 11:59 AM 02/21/13 05:50 PM

Minor XoWiki Error: /tag/Core?category_id=835073&summary=

Frank Bergmann 0 01/23/13 02:45 PM 01/23/13 02:45 PM

Whenever I attempt to view a general comment on an xowiki formpage I get:

Richard Hamilton 2 01/20/13 09:49 PM 01/21/13 12:13 AM

Toughts on an Event Engine

Antonio Pisano 21 01/18/13 04:54 PM 02/26/13 12:09 PM

xowiki policy question

Michal Hanckowiak 2 01/13/13 01:08 PM 01/14/13 06:35 PM

New Installation on Ubuntu 11.10

Iuri Sampaio 4 01/10/13 05:41 AM 05/31/13 05:38 AM

Object Management

Ryan Gallimore 4 01/10/13 01:34 AM 01/14/13 01:36 AM

Multi word elements in the last element of context bar

Dave Bauer 2 01/07/13 11:07 PM 01/08/13 01:39 AM

How to change an HTML attribute value in an Xowiki includelet.

Richard Hamilton 1 12/31/12 01:46 PM 01/01/13 02:18 AM

Dynamic-types package: correction to metadata-create.sql

Prem Thomas 0 12/24/12 07:02 AM 12/24/12 07:02 AM

wanted to share my run script (for use with daemontools)

Jim Lynch 3 12/17/12 01:02 AM 12/18/12 05:00 AM

Rendering input type checkbox with template::element::create

Brian Fenton 5 12/06/12 04:28 PM 12/10/12 10:20 AM

Modify function and parameters called by .init function

Andrea Tosoni 6 11/18/12 12:39 AM 11/20/12 12:05 AM